Results: 4Comments by: liserfak
File: LootAlert02-14-08
LootAlert seems to be acting strang...
Posted By: liserfak
LootAlert seems to be acting strange with sct. The messages don't show where they used to. They are like a splash on my screen atm. It's like the messages are taking place where TopScoreFu shows its messages. Any idea? By the way, is there a way to configure LootAlert messages?
File: Loot Modifier06-27-07
Ok... I made some changes and go...
Posted By: liserfak
Ok... I made some changes and got bigger fonts... Changed: -- Item name (line 125) text:SetFont( ( GameFontNormalSmall:GetFont() ), 12 ) To text:SetFont( ( GameFontNormalSmall:GetFont() ), 16 ) And -- Type, "One-Hand Sword", "Armor", ect (line 133) text:SetFont( ( GameFontNormalSmall:GetFont()...
File: FuBar - HerbTrackerFu06-27-07
New Versions
Posted By: liserfak
Just wondering if you have plans to make others mods like this one. I made some changes in your code to make a "MiningTrackerFu", but it just list Ores cause the lib you use. I don't know a lot of lua programming for WOW, but if you want, I could help to make trackers for others types of mats, like gems, bars, cloths and so on. So...
File: Loot Modifier06-27-07
Font Size
Posted By: liserfak
How can I change the font size of the texts displayed?