Results: 3Comments by: Nayon
File: Ogri'Lazy05-28-07
The Crystal Patterns get longer as...
Posted By: Nayon
The Crystal Patterns get longer as you get Higher reputation. one of my friends said the mode loops to the beginning on strings greater than like 12ish. Can anyone confirm this?
File: PerfectRaid12-29-06
Posted By: Nayon
I must Say /Support Perfect raid was well perfect for the interface I used pre 2.0.x and now after a while I have managed to get everything up and back into a working order, although slightly diffrent from my original. I still have a space saved for Perfect Raid :-) Just make sure not to add some uber hype and then release it 3 da...
File: FuBar 3.6.505-15-06
Memory Leaks
Posted By: Nayon
I personaly have not had this happen to me but my buddy installed fubar and maxed out his memory usage during a ZG raid and considering hes using 50MB worth of abalible space there was some kind of memory leak. This was the only thing he had changes was installing FuBar and removing titan. I would recomend looking at your memory p...