Results: 2Comments by: Touko
File: Bongos212-12-06
stances help please
Posted By: Touko
When I go into Stealth 'stance' my action bar changes to the appropiate bar, but when I hit 2 for cheap shot, it does sinster strike instead. I found out that the Bar7 in stealth mode doesn't actually change, yes, the pictures do change, but the keys are actually bar1. actionbar1 = bar 1 (2 = sinster strike) stealth bar = bar 7...
File: ag_UnitFrames12-08-06
aguf raidframes
Posted By: Touko
Besides the party frames not disappearing in a raid, there was a feature in a previous verison that showed the whole raid in one big list (group all). In this current version there was no such feature. Would you please put it back in? It was so nice to see everything in one big list instead of 8 individuals.