Results: 6Comments by: ronconsoda
File: rButtonTemplate02-16-12
Well that was fast. ;) Maybe i c...
Posted By: ronconsoda
Well that was fast. ;) Maybe i can finally style Bartender buttons? I guess no but who knows. did a quick check with bartender4. Nowadays you skin about half of it. But bartender still does to much its own skinning. Therefore nope it does not work :)
File: rButtonTemplate02-16-12
To all those Dominos users who want...
Posted By: ronconsoda
To all those Dominos users who want to keep using this addon add the following to the init() function: for i = 1, 60 do local bu = _G if bu then styleActionButton(bu) end end
File: rButtonTemplate11-30-11
thanks /ron
Posted By: ronconsoda
thanks /ron
File: Tidy Plates Beta10-12-11
more information on the current beta errors
Posted By: ronconsoda
replacing Aura_Dispell = nil with Aura_Dispell = nil removes the second error. (solution based on line 227 where you use a different syntax) checking for an non empty table doesnt remove the first error. removing the else part from the sort function fixes this error. (local function debuffSort(a,b) if a and b and a.priority and b....
File: Tidy Plates Beta10-12-11
current beta r338 error
Posted By: ronconsoda
using show only your own debuffs following errors are thrown by current beta: first: 24x TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:555: invalid order function for sorting TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:555: in function TidyPlatesWidgets\DebuffWidget.lua:587: in function
File: ShardAce12-12-06
hidden health stone
Posted By: ronconsoda
Hi, when scaling the mini map (smaller) the health stone button is hidden by the others. A tad annoying this is :-) . Otherwise thanks for the great work.