Results: 2Comments by: Irowyn
File: Dominos06-28-11
Bar swapping is broken in 4.2.2. I...
Posted By: Irowyn
Bar swapping is broken in 4.2.2. I did try reinstalling the addon but it did not change anything. I have also not tested the versions after 1.25.0 up to 4.2.2. When I want to switch my main bar (bar 1), it switches correctly. It recognizes the other bars without a problem. For example, if I want bars 7 and 10 to display in bear an...
File: EventHorizon Continued10-17-10
I've been trying to put my Swipe co...
Posted By: Irowyn
I've been trying to put my Swipe cooldown on the bars. The icon appears, the addons registers that I casted the spell, but it doesn't want to display the cooldown bar. Any ideas? Here's the code, just in case I messed it up. -- Swipe (Bear) self:NewSpell({ spellID = 779, cooldown = true, unique = true, stance = 1...