How do I make a pet or possess bar that works?
First, I will answer another frequently asked question about pet bars. Why does Macaroon not make one by default? Macaroon itself, and not considering Macaroon Xtras, is meant to be a blank canvas when you first install it. Why? Because, while Macaroon can stand on its own, it is alos designed to play nice with other bar addons. Usually, other bar addons do have a pet bar ready to go. With that in consideration, Macaroon does not make anything that might duplicate another bar addon's features. However, I believe making a pet bar is fairly easy and straight forward, and once you follow these steps once, you will see -

For a pet bar -

- Enter bar config mode (/mac config or left-click the minimap button).
- Create a new bar (/mac create bar) or select an existing one.
- Right-click the bar to show the bar options.
- From the list of states, select "Pet".
- The bar will now have two states, "Pet" and "No Pet".
- Left-click on the bar to cycle the states until it says "Pet".
- Add the desired number of buttons for the pet bar (/mac add # or right-click the bar and choose the option "Button Count")

- At this point, Macaroon should have auto-set the pet buttons to type "pet" as they were added and they should display a unique ID while in button edit mode. However, if not then -

- Enter button edit mode (/mac edit or alt-click the mini-map button)
- Left-click on the new pet buttons until they say "Pet id:#"
- Ensure each button has a unique pet ID number. To change the number, right-click the button while in button edit mode.
- You're done!

For a possess bar -

- The steps are essentially the same as for a pet bar.
- Select an existing bar or make a new one.
- Check "Possess"
- Left-click on the bar until it says "Possession" at the top.
- Add buttons.

- At this point, Macaroon should have auto-set the possess buttons as they were added to type "action" and they should display a unique ID starting from 121 while in button edit mode. However, if not then -

- Enter button edit mode (/mac edit or alt-click the mini-map button)
- Left-click on the new possess buttons until they say "action id:#"
- Ensure each button has a unique ID number starting at 121. To change the number, right-click the button while in button edit mode.
- You're done!

Note, you can have a bar with both "pet" and "possess" as Blizzard treats these states differently. Yes, that will mean you will have two sets of essentially the same buttons in both states...or not! That is the beauty of it...*you* get to define everything