--[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 by K. Scott Piel All Rights Reserved E-mail: < kscottpiel@gmail.com > Web: < http://www.scottpiel.com > This file is part of nUI. The copyright for all material provided within the nUI software package ("nUI") is held by Kenneth Scott Piel. Except as stated herein, none of the material may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Permission is granted to display, copy, distribute and download the materials on this Site for personal, non-commercial use only provided you do not modify the materials and that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the materials. You also may not, without the copyright holder's permission, "mirror" any material contained in nUI on any other server. This permission terminates automatically if you breach any of these terms or conditions. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy any downloaded and printed materials. Any unauthorized use of any material contained in nUI may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. nUI is packaged in four distributable versions known as "nUI Release", "nUI+", "nUI Development" and "nUI PTR Beta" -- Redistribution for these versions is governed by the following terms... 1) Redistribution of the nUI Release (aka nUI Lite) version is permitted under the following terms... Permission is hereby granted for unlimited free and open distribution of "nUI Release" / "nUI Lite" by anyone in any form and by any means provided the nUI Release distribution contents are not altered in any way, are distributed in full with all copyright statements and licensing terms included and intact and that any interface the end user is provided for the purpose of downloading nUI includes a plainly visible and functioning link to nUI's official web site at http://www.nUIaddon.com and a plainly visible notice that nUI accepts user donations with a working link to nUI's donation page at http://www.nUIaddon.com/donate.html 2) Permission is hereby granted for distribution of the "nUI+", "nUI+ Development" and "nUI+ PTR Beta" versions of nUI via the online download service at http://www.wowinterface.com and the copyright holder's own web site http://www.nuiaddon.com -- The end user is granted permission to download any nUI package from these two web sites for their personal use under the same terms and conditions as nUI Release but are prohibited from sharing the contents of these packages via any means in any form with anyone other than via direct transfer with immediate friends and family members. Distribution of nUI+, nUI+ Development or nUI+ PTR Beta via any other means by any other entity in any other form is strictly prohibited without the copyright holder's express written permission explicitly granting such distribution rights specifically to that entity. 3) Deep-linking and leeching of nUI distributions is strictly prohibited. Any individual or entity who wishes to offer downloads of nUI distributions must either host the legal and unmodified distribution on their own servers to be distributed at their own expense using their own bandwidth or they must link the user back to the official download page on the third party provider's servers from which the user can initiate the download. Use of any download link or mechanism which initiates a download of any nUI distribution from a third party distribtion site that bypasses the official content and download pages or advertisements of that third party site is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of that site. See the included files "nUI_RELEASE_LICENSE.txt" and "nUI_PLUS_LICENSE.txt" for the complete terms of nUI's licensing terms. nUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the enclosed license for more details. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --]]--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not nUI then nUI = {}; end if not nUI_Profile then nUI_Profile = {}; end; if not nUI_Options then nUI_Options = {}; end; local CreateFrame = CreateFrame; local GetBindingKey = GetBindingKey; local RegisterStateDriver = RegisterStateDriver; nUI_Profile.nUI_ButtonBar = {}; nUI_ButtonMap = {}; nUI_ButtonTypeMap = {}; local ProfileCounter = nUI_Profile.nUI_ButtonBar; nUI_Options.barCooldowns = true; nUI_Options.barDurations = true; nUI_Options.barMacroNames = true; nUI_Options.barStackCounts = true; nUI_Options.barKeyBindings = true; nUI_Options.barDimming = true; nUI_Options.barMouseover = false; nUI_Options.dimmingAlpha = 0.3; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- unregister one of Blizz's action buttons local function ClearButtonHandlers( button ) --[[ if button then button:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); button:UnregisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID"); button:UnregisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID"); button:UnregisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED"); button:UnregisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED"); button:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_BINDINGS"); button:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM"); button:UnregisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_STATE"); button:UnregisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_USABLE"); button:UnregisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN"); button:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS"); button:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED"); button:UnregisterEvent("TRADE_SKILL_SHOW"); button:UnregisterEvent("TRADE_SKILL_CLOSE"); button:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT"); button:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT"); button:UnregisterEvent("START_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL"); button:UnregisterEvent("STOP_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL"); button:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_ENTERED_VEHICLE"); button:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_EXITED_VEHICLE"); button:UnregisterEvent("COMPANION_UPDATE"); button:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED"); button:UnregisterEvent("LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB"); button:SetScript( "OnEvent", nil ); button:SetScript( "OnUpdate", nil ); button:SetScript( "OnEnter", nil ); button:SetScript( "OnLeave", nil ); button:SetScript( "OnDragStart", nil ); button:SetScript( "OnReceiveDrag", nil ); button:SetScript( "OnClick", nil ); button:SetScript( "PostClick", nil ); button:SetScript( "OnAttributeChanged", nil ); end ]]-- end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- button bar event management nUI_ButtonBars = CreateFrame( "Frame", "nUI_ButtonBars", WorldFrame ); nUI_ButtonBars.Bars = {}; local mouseoverTimer = 1 / nUI_DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE; local function onButtonBarEvent( who, event, arg1 ) -- nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "onButtonBarEvent", event ); -- reset the button bar key bindings to Bliz's action bars on log out so users do -- not lose their key bindings if they disable or stop using nUI if event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT" then nUI_ButtonBars:UnregisterEvent( "UPDATE_BINDINGS" ); nUI.logout = true; for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do local bar = nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i]; for row in pairs( bar.Buttons ) do for col in pairs( bar.Buttons[row] ) do local button = bar.Buttons[row][col]; local overlay = nUI_ButtonMap[button]; if overlay.bindingType then local btnName = button:GetName(); local actionName = overlay.bindingType..(overlay.actionID or ""); local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey( "CLICK "..btnName..":LeftButton" ); if key1 then SetBinding( key1, actionName ); end if key2 then SetBinding( key2, actionName ); end end end end end SaveBindings( GetCurrentBindingSet() ); nUI.logout = false; -- set up the key bindings elseif event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do local bar = nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i]; for row in pairs( bar.Buttons ) do for col in pairs( bar.Buttons[row] ) do local button = bar.Buttons[row][col]; local overlay = nUI_ButtonMap[button]; if overlay.bindingType then local btnName = button:GetName(); local actionName = overlay.bindingType..(overlay.actionID or ""); local newBinding = false; if actionName ~= overlay.bindingType then nUI_ButtonTypeMap[actionName] = button; end -- if nUI is already key bound, then use those bindings local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey( actionName ); -- otherwise, see if the Blizz bar is bound and use those bindings -- set the bindings we have if key1 then SetBinding( key1, "CLICK "..btnName..":LeftButton" ); end if key2 then SetBinding( key2, "CLICK "..btnName..":LeftButton" ); end button:SetScript( "OnEnter", function() -- nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "OnEnter" ); if nUI_Options.combat_tooltips or not InCombatLockdown() then local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey( "CLICK "..button:GetName()..":LeftButton" ); ActionButton_SetTooltip( button ); if key1 then GameTooltip:AddLine( nUI_L["Key Binding"].." 1: |cFF00FFFF"..GetBindingText( key1, "KEY_" ).."|r", 1, 1, 1 ); end if key2 then GameTooltip:AddLine( nUI_L["Key Binding"].." 2: |cFF00FFFF"..GetBindingText( key2, "KEY_" ).."|r", 1, 1, 1 ); end if not key1 and not key2 then GameTooltip:AddLine( nUI_L["No key bindings found"], 1, 1, 1 ); end GameTooltip:AddLine( nUI_L[" to change bindings"], 0, 1, 1 ); GameTooltip:Show(); end -- nUI_ProfileStop(); end ); end end end end local bindingSet = GetCurrentBindingSet() or 1; if( bindingSet == 1 or bindingSet == 2 ) then SaveBindings( bindingSet ); end -- intialize the button bars elseif event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "nUI" then nUI:patchConfig(); nUI:setScale(); -- set up the button bar options if not nUI_ButtonBarOptions then nUI_ButtonBarOptions = {}; end for name in pairs( nUI_DefaultConfig.ButtonBars ) do nUI_ButtonBars:configBar( name, use_default ); end -- if we already have bars defined, then put them away before we build a new set for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do local bar = nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i]; bar:UnregisterAllEvents(); bar:Hide(); bar:SetParent( nil ); for j in pairs( bar.Buttons ) do bar.Buttons[j]:UnregisterAllEvents(); end end -- create the button bars that are defined nUI_ButtonBars.Bars = {}; for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBarOptions ) do nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i] = nUI_ButtonBars:createBar( i, nUI_ButtonBarOptions[i] ); end -- set up the action bar state driver nUI_ActionBar = nUI_ButtonBars.Bars["nUI_ActionBar"]; nUI_ActionBar:SetAttribute( "actionpage", 1 ); nUI_ActionBar:Execute( [[ ChildList = newtable( self:GetChildren() ); ActionButtons = newtable(); actionType = self:GetAttribute( "nUI_ActionType" ); local j = 1; for i, button in ipairs( ChildList ) do if not button:GetAttribute( "nUI_ActionButtonOverlay" ) then ActionButtons[j] = button; j = j+1; end end ]] ); nUI_ActionBar:SetAttribute( "_onstate-page", [[ self:SetAttribute( "actionpage", tonumber( newstate ) ); for i, button in ipairs( ActionButtons ) do if not button:GetAttribute( "nUI_ActionButtonOverlay" ) then button:SetAttribute( "touch", nil ) end end ]] ); nUI_ActionBar:SetAttribute( "_onshow", [[ for i, button in ipairs( ActionButtons ) do if not button:GetAttribute( "nUI_ActionButtonOverlay" ) then button:SetAttribute( "touch", nil ) end end ]] ); if nUI_ActionBar.registered then UnregisterStateDriver( nUI_ActionBar, "page" ); end if nUI_Options.boomkinBar then RegisterStateDriver( nUI_ActionBar, "page", string.format( "[vehicleui][possessbar] %d; [vehicleui] %d; [overridebar] %d; [shapeshift] %d; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11; 1", GetVehicleBarIndex(), GetVehicleBarIndex(), GetOverrideBarIndex(), GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex() ) ); else RegisterStateDriver( nUI_ActionBar, "page", string.format( "[vehicleui][possessbar] %d; [vehicleui] %d; [overridebar] %d; [shapeshift] %d; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 1; [bonusbar:5] 11; 1", GetVehicleBarIndex(), GetVehicleBarIndex(), GetOverrideBarIndex(), GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex() ) ); end OverrideActionBarLeaveFrameLeaveButton:SetParent( nUI_ActionBar ); OverrideActionBarLeaveFrameLeaveButton:SetAllPoints( nUI_ActionBar_Button12 ); RegisterStateDriver( OverrideActionBarLeaveFrameLeaveButton, "visibility", "[vehicleui][target=vehicle, exists] show; hide" ); nUI_Movers:lockFrame( OverrideActionBarLeaveFrameLeaveButton, true, nil ); -- 5.0.1 Change End nUI_ActionBar.registered = true; -- apply the user action bar preferences to the bars for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do nUI_ButtonBars:setUserBarOptions( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i] ); end -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the display of cooldowns on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_COOLDOWN]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) nUI_Options.barCooldowns = not nUI_Options.barCooldowns; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.barCooldowns and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do nUI_ButtonBars:setUserBarOptions( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i] ); end end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the display of cooldowns on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_BOOMKIN]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) if not InCombatLockdown() then nUI_Options.boomkinBar = nUI_Options.boomkinBar ~= true and true or false; if nUI_Options.boomkinBar then RegisterStateDriver( nUI_ActionBar, "page", string.format( "[vehicleui] %d; [overridebar] %d; [shapeshift] %d; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11; 1", GetVehicleBarIndex(), GetOverrideBarIndex(), GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex() ) ); else RegisterStateDriver( nUI_ActionBar, "page", string.format( "[vehicleui] %d; [overridebar] %d; [shapeshift] %d; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 1; [bonusbar:5] 11; 1", GetVehicleBarIndex(), GetOverrideBarIndex(), GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex() ) ); end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.boomkinBar and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); end end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the display of spell durations on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_DURATION]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) nUI_Options.barDurations = not nUI_Options.barDurations; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.barDurations and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do nUI_ButtonBars:setUserBarOptions( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i] ); end end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the display of macro names on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_MACRO]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) nUI_Options.barMacroNames = not nUI_Options.barMacroNames; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.barMacroNames and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do nUI_ButtonBars:setUserBarOptions( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i] ); end end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the display of stack counts on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_STACKCOUNT]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) nUI_Options.barStackCounts = not nUI_Options.barStackCounts; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.barStackCounts and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do nUI_ButtonBars:setUserBarOptions( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i] ); end end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the display of key bindings on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_KEYBIND]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) nUI_Options.barKeyBindings = not nUI_Options.barKeyBindings; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.barKeyBindings and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do nUI_ButtonBars:setUserBarOptions( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i] ); end end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the dimming of buttons on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_DIMMING]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) nUI_Options.barDimming = not nUI_Options.barDimming; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.barDimming and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the dimming of buttons on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_MOUSEOVER]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) nUI_Options.barMouseover = not nUI_Options.barMouseover; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.barMouseover and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i]:SetAlpha( nUI_Options.barMouseover and 0 or 1 ); end nUI_SpecialBars:SetAlpha( nUI_Options.barMouseover and 0 or 1 ); end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with setting the dimming alpha for buttons on the action bars local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_DIMALPHA]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg, arg1 ) local alpha = tonumber( arg1 or "0.3" ); if not alpha or alpha <= 0 or alpha > 1 then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( nUI_L["nUI: [ %s ] is not a valid alpha value... please choose a number between 0 and 1 where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque."]:format( arg1 ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); elseif nUI_Options.dimmingAlpha ~= alpha then nUI_Options.dimmingAlpha = alpha; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( (alpha or 0.3) * 100 ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); end end ); -- set up a slash command handler for dealing with hiding the built in Blizzard totem bar local master = nUI_SlashCommands[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR]; local option = master.sub_menu[nUI_SLASHCMD_BAR_TOTEMS]; nUI_SlashCommands:setSubHandler( master.command, option.command, function( msg ) if not InCombatLockdown() then nUI_Options.noTotemBar = not nUI_Options.noTotemBar; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( (option.message):format( nUI_Options.noTotemBar and nUI_L["|cFF00FF00ENABLED|r"] or nUI_L["|cFFFF0000DISABLED|r"] ), 1, 0.83, 0 ); MultiCastActionBarFrame:SetParent( nUI_Options.noTotemBar and MainMenuBar or UIParent ); end end ); end -- nUI_ProfileStop(); end nUI_ButtonBars:RegisterEvent( "ADDON_LOADED" ); nUI_ButtonBars:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LOGOUT" ); nUI_ButtonBars:RegisterEvent( "VARIABLES_LOADED" ); nUI_ButtonBars:SetScript( "OnEvent", onButtonBarEvent ); local bar; local function onButtonBarUpdate( who, elapsed ) if nUI_Options.barMouseover then mouseoverTimer = mouseoverTimer - elapsed; if mouseoverTimer <= 0 then mouseoverTimer = nUI_Unit.frame_rate; for i in pairs( nUI_ButtonBars.Bars ) do bar = nUI_ButtonBars.Bars[i]; bar:SetAlpha( MouseIsOver( bar ) and 1 or 0 ); end end end end nUI_ButtonBars:SetScript( "OnUpdate", onButtonBarUpdate ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- set configuration data for a single named bar function nUI_ButtonBars:configBar( name, use_default ) -- nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "configBar" ); local config = nUI_ButtonBarOptions[name] or {}; local default = nUI_DefaultConfig.ButtonBars[name] or config; if use_default then config.btn_size = default.btn_size; config.gap = default.gap; config.anchor = default.anchor; config.xOfs = default.xOfs; config.yOfs = default.yOfs; config.rows = default.rows; config.cols = default.cols; config.binding = default.binding; config.label = default.label; config.page = default.page; config.base_id = default.base_id; else config.btn_size = tonumber( config.btn_size or default.btn_size ); config.gap = tonumber( config.gap or default.gap ); config.anchor = strupper( config.anchor or default.anchor ); config.xOfs = tonumber( config.xOfs or default.xOfs ); config.yOfs = tonumber( config.yOfs or default.yOfs ); config.rows = tonumber( config.rows or default.rows ); config.cols = tonumber( config.cols or default.cols ); config.binding = config.binding or default.binding; config.nuibind = config.nuibind or default.nuibind; config.label = config.label or default.label; config.page = config.page or default.page; config.base_id = config.base_id or default.base_id; end if config.page then config.page = tonumber( config.page ); end if config.base_id then config.base_id = tonumber( config.base_id ); end nUI_ButtonBarOptions[name] = config; -- nUI_ProfileStop(); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- create a new named button bar using the passed layout function nUI_ButtonBars:createBar( name, layout ) -- nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "createBar" ); local bar = CreateFrame( "Frame", name, nUI_Dashboard.Anchor, "SecureHandlerStateTemplate" ); bar.events = CreateFrame( "Frame", name.."_Events", nUI_ButtonBars ); bar.layout = layout; bar:SetBackdrop( { bgFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_BevelboxBg.blp", edgeFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_BevelboxBorder.blp", tile = true, tileSize = 1, edgeSize = 12, insets = {left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0}, } ); bar:SetBackdropColor( 0, 0, 0, 0.35 ); bar:SetAttribute( "nUI_ActionType", layout.binding ); bar:SetAttribute( "nUI_BindingType", layout.nuibind ); _G["BINDING_HEADER_"..layout.nuibind] = "nUI: "..layout.label; if layout.page then layout.base_id = (layout.page-1) * 12; end -- button initialization bar.Buttons = {}; for i=1,layout.rows do bar.Buttons[i] = {}; for j=1,layout.cols do local id = (i-1)*layout.cols + j; local button = CreateFrame( "CheckButton", "$parent_Button"..id, bar, "ActionBarButtonTemplate" ); nUI:initActionButton( button ); local overlay = nUI_ButtonMap[button]; _G["BINDING_NAME_CLICK "..button:GetName()..":LeftButton"] = "Button #"..id; bar.Buttons[i][j] = button; overlay.action = layout.base_id + id; overlay.bindingType = layout.binding; overlay.actionType = layout.nuibind; overlay.actionID = id; if layout.binding then ClearButtonHandlers( _G[layout.binding .. id] ); end button.bindAction = function() nUI_KeyBindingFrame.bindAction( button, bar.layout.label.." -- #"..id, "CLICK "..button:GetName()..":LeftButton" ); end button:SetScript( "PreClick", function( self, button, down ) -- nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "PreClick" ); if not InCombatLockdown() and button == "RightButton" and IsControlKeyDown() and IsAltKeyDown() then self:SetAttribute( "alt-ctrl-type2", "bindAction" ); end -- nUI_ProfileStop(); end ); button:SetScript( "PostClick", function( self, button, down ) -- nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "PostClick" ); if not InCombatLockdown() and button == "RightButton" and IsControlKeyDown() and IsAltKeyDown() then self:SetAttribute( "alt-ctrl-type2", nil ); self:SetChecked( false ); end -- nUI_ProfileStop(); end ); -- for the main action bar, we need the button ID set to support paging if name == "nUI_ActionBar" then bar:SetAttribute( "addchild", button ); bar:SetFrameRef( "nUI_ActionBarButton"..id, button ); button:SetID(id); else button:SetAttribute( "action", overlay.action ); end end end -- manage the layout of the bar bar.events:RegisterEvent( "DISPLAY_SIZE_CHANGED" ); bar.events:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LOGIN" ); bar.events:SetScript( "OnEvent", function() nUI_ButtonBars:layoutFrame( bar ); end ); -- nUI_ProfileStop(); return bar; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- actually perform the layout on the indicated bar. If no layout is passed -- then the current layout for this bar is used. Otherwise the passed layout -- will replace the current layout function nUI_ButtonBars:layoutFrame( bar, layout ) -- nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "layoutFrame" ); if layout then bar.layout = layout; else layout = bar.layout; end nUI:setScale(); local btn_hSize = layout.btn_size * nUI.hScale; local btn_vSize = layout.btn_size * nUI.vScale; local btn_hGap = layout.gap * nUI.hScale; local btn_vGap = layout.gap * nUI.vScale; bar:SetFrameStrata( nUI_Dashboard:GetFrameStrata() ); bar:SetFrameLevel( nUI_Dashboard:GetFrameLevel()+2 ); for row in pairs( bar.Buttons ) do for col in pairs( bar.Buttons[row] ) do local button = bar.Buttons[row][col]; local overlay = nUI_ButtonMap[button]; -- save the binding we're using button:SetFrameStrata( bar:GetFrameStrata() ); button:SetFrameLevel( bar:GetFrameLevel()+1 ); if overlay then overlay:SetFrameStrata( button:GetFrameStrata() ); overlay:SetFrameLevel( button:GetFrameLevel()+1 ); end button:SetScale( 1 ); button:SetHeight( btn_vSize ); button:SetWidth( btn_hSize ); -- button:SetScale( btn_size / button:GetHeight() ); button:ClearAllPoints(); if col == 1 and row == 1 then button:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", bar, "TOPLEFT", btn_hSize * 0.05, -btn_vSize * 0.05 ); elseif col == 1 then button:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", bar.Buttons[row-1][1], "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -btn_vGap ); else button:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", bar.Buttons[row][col-1], "TOPRIGHT", btn_hGap, 0 ); end nUI:initActionButton( button ); end end bar:SetHeight( layout.rows * btn_vSize + (layout.rows-1) * btn_vGap + btn_vSize * 0.1 ); bar:SetWidth( layout.cols * btn_hSize + (layout.cols-1) * btn_hGap + btn_hSize * 0.1 ); bar:SetPoint( layout.anchor, nUI_Dashboard, "CENTER", layout.xOfs * nUI.hScale, layout.yOfs * nUI.vScale ); nUI_Movers:lockFrame( bar, true, layout.label ); -- if this is the action bar, then add the paging buttons to it if bar:GetName() == "nUI_ActionBar" then ActionBarUpButton:SetParent( bar ); ActionBarUpButton:SetFrameStrata( bar:GetFrameStrata() ); ActionBarUpButton:SetFrameLevel( bar:GetFrameLevel() ); ActionBarUpButton:SetScale( 1.5 * nUI.vScale ); ActionBarUpButton:ClearAllPoints(); ActionBarUpButton:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", bar, "TOPRIGHT", -10 * nUI.hScale, 12 * nUI.vScale ); ActionBarUpButton:Show(); ActionBarDownButton:SetParent( bar ); ActionBarDownButton:SetFrameStrata( bar:GetFrameStrata() ); ActionBarDownButton:SetFrameLevel( bar:GetFrameLevel() ); ActionBarDownButton:SetScale( 1.5 * nUI.vScale ); ActionBarDownButton:ClearAllPoints(); ActionBarDownButton:SetPoint( "BOTTOMLEFT", bar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -10 * nUI.hScale, -12 * nUI.vScale ); ActionBarDownButton:Show(); end -- nUI_ProfileStop(); end -- method used to apply the user's preferences to the action bar function nUI_ButtonBars:setUserBarOptions( bar ) for i=1,#bar.Buttons do for j=1,#bar.Buttons[i] do local overlay = nUI_ButtonMap[bar.Buttons[i][j]]; overlay.layers.count:SetAlpha( nUI_Options.barStackCounts and 1 or 0 ); overlay.layers.name:SetAlpha( nUI_Options.barMacroNames and 1 or 0 ); overlay.layers.hotkey:SetAlpha( nUI_Options.barKeyBindings and 1 or 0 ); if not nUI_Options.barCooldowns or not nUI_Options.barDurations then overlay.layers.cdc.value = nil; overlay.layers.cdc:SetText( "" ); end end end end