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MC82 03-11-05 12:28 PM

My UI in the sig below,

Im a mage.

Description of mods and how it works all in the link

any questions feel free to PM me

foo-bar 03-11-05 09:25 PM

I updated my UI since my last post. Here it is: -> This is the interface with nothing open -> This is the interface with MonkeyQuest and AllInOneInventory open

Here is a screen of my current AddOns folder:

Note that not all addons in the folder are in use, just get a general idea from that.

Hope you like it.

Keovar 04-08-05 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sole
Heres mine :)

I try to go for the minimalist approach and this layout works really well for a rogue.

With the chat window at the top like that, how do you use the popup window to use the emotes and such?

nota 05-23-05 06:42 PM

I started with the insomniax, and deleted some of the stuff I didn't need; namely the monkeyquest and anything to do with pets. I then added the titan bar and some of the better, imo, adds to that.

Still working on some of the icon placement. Unfortunately, the bibmod or whatever comes with insomniax doesn't like moveanything very well, so I can't slim down the bars.

I have the ui for download if anybody actually wants it, but its on my private server so I'll have to pm it and the site isn't always up.

BTW, the most impressive part, I think, is that its really a large display, yet the res is only 1024 (if i remember right).

Cairenn 05-23-05 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by nota
I have the ui for download if anybody actually wants it, but its on my private server so I'll have to pm it and the site isn't always up.

You're more than welcome to upload it to the Compilation section of our site. This is exactly why we are here, to host and support UI mods, their authors and the end users. :)

Kaelten 06-29-05 01:54 AM

UI Pics
Well since I run about a 90% chance of my computer locking up or randomly rebooting if I go to a blizzard official forum I figured I'd post this here.

Heres a pic of my ui, started off oh, 3 or so months ago as insomniax 1.54 or something like that, then I got into scripting my own addons and I left insomniax behind. I've got the list of mods I've gotten installed down to around 75 or so, including ahandful that I wrote myself.

Post yours and share your favorite mods too, heres a pic of mine. Not all the mods I have are displayed, just some of them.

Ashlon 07-10-05 12:20 AM

I don't see how you guys can do all this I looked at the scripting and was like :eek: and got a headache and gave up on it like that lol but I bet if I could get a little help some time I may be able to understand it all, Maby a UI coder for dummies thread possibly?

Breva 07-15-05 11:30 AM

Ahh...the illusive Futura font. I want that font so badly for my UI. But surely enough, I will never have thee.

Omexe 07-15-05 12:40 PM

Personally I don't like the futura font :o I like my UI to look really . . . well, I can't describe it.

I'll post pictures and you can see what I mean for yourself. I like the official looking UI's :D

Just running along normally

During a fight, not much difference

*Addons* (at the moment, adding more when they are updated)
-Diviiskins (Great mod Diiver <3)
-Casting bar time
-Titan Bar
-Rogue Stun Helper

darkforce898 07-15-05 04:04 PM

here is mine.... and list of addons.... and download location..... i have it all

Addon List:

Two Screenshots:

Download Location:

Prada0007 07-16-05 05:52 PM

Here is mine. I only have three mods. WoW reader, Titan Panel and Atlas.

Itanius 07-19-05 02:06 AM

Here is my current Priest UI. This is a constant work in progress, but today I spent several hours starting over from scratch (because I could :D ). There's nothing super-fancy here, just basic FlexBar stuff.

Here is a shot at rest without target. Ohh, so clean and streamlined and purty. No clutter FTW! I have 2 chat windows: A PM/Group/Guild window on the right, with everything else on the left.

Here is a shot with a friendly target. Note that only one button appears. This is a "menu" button that opens a 12-pack of friendly spells (heals, buffs, debuffs) when left clicked. (Shadowform button is a placeholder for now)

Here is a shot with the Friendly menu open. When the anchor button is right clicked, the menu closes again. Also, when any spell is left clicked, the menu closes. If I want to cast more than one spell without closing the menu, I right click the spell.

Here is a shot with the two lower vertical groups open. The one on the right is my self-buffs. I use keyboard shortcuts for these exclusively, but I put them here in case my left hand is busy... eating or something. ;) The top button opens the combat menu if I need to see it out of combat. The left menu is for infrequently used stuff.

Here is a shot of the "HUD" I get with a hostile target when I'm *not* in Shadowform. (I didn't have a hostile target for these next two shots as you can see; I used the manual-show button instead)

Here is a shot of the "HUD" I get while I *am* in Shadowform. There are fewer buttons here because I can't cast Holy spells from within the shadows.

Here is a shot with the 2 left horizontal groups open. These are for things like consumables, tradeskills, non-com pets, etc. The buttons above these two are for Shadowform, Mount, Levitate, and the little one at the top is the Wand Autoshoot, which is keybound.

And lastly, here is a shot of my Discord Unit Frames and Group Buttons setup (with control panels open, so it looks a lot better with real party members).

Dew 07-23-05 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sole
Heres mine :)

I try to go for the minimalist approach and this layout works really well for a rogue.

Is it a full addon or?
I'd like the same =)

atlantis09 07-23-05 02:30 PM

how do i post my screen shots they are in a weird format and cant open them

Miklayn 07-23-05 03:08 PM

Bikther 07-23-05 03:17 PM

Hey Kaelten what player window and target window is that? I like the look of it.

Omexe 07-24-05 03:14 AM

I'm 99% sure it's "nymbia's perl frames". They are pretty good, I use them too now.

Kaelten 07-24-05 11:04 AM

yep thats which one it is, however I recently stopped using them as it lags my computer very badly when in BG or pvp in general. I'm using gypsy now, I hope she fixes her perl ones soon, I like it better.

Omexe 07-24-05 02:19 PM

Agreed, perl frames are so much sleeker and sexier than the standard UI.
clicky clicky for piccy piccy!

thedemoninside 07-24-05 09:41 PM

Here is mine. i like to think mine is one of the better looking ones out there. It uses some parts of CT_mod, DivvSkins, MoveAnything!, Flexbar, ShardTracker, PlayerXPbar(moves the XP bar under the Player frame), Atlas, BankItems, and CharacterViewer.

My warlock:
Emerikol Screenshot

And this one is set up slightly different and uses the Titan Panel
My mage:
Snackycake Screenshot

My whole goal with this UI was to keep it looking somewhat origional while increasing functionality and ease of use, as well as keeping everything tucked away near the borders of the screen.

I put my menu bar and bag bar inside of the Titan Panel to make the UI look sleeker. I kept the origional party frames, player/target frame etc. since every mod author out there for some reason wants to design it with too much worthless info on it or put some ugly yellow xp bar under it. The two icons next to the minimap are for the CharacterViewer and BankItems viewer.

let me know what you think! :)

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