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Cairenn 08-23-08 12:32 AM

If there's a problem with a submission, you'll be getting a PM from me. If you don't get a PM telling you there's a problem, there's no problem ... :)

Icecoldcoke 08-23-08 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dimencia (Post 99890)
cool might have to work on more now im done with a movie for a friend

Once you go Gnome

I watched your Valere in Black Temple video.. now I hate you for getting that song stuck in my head.

arno933 08-25-08 11:10 PM

any comments on my comic ? it's on page 2 called he-gnome , don't be to hard it's my first project ><

Kaps 08-25-08 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by arno933 (Post 100184)
any comments on my comic ? it's on page 2 called he-gnome , don't be to hard it's my first project ><

I enjoyed it, I liked the layout alot too, very easy to follow. Only thing is your "All rights reserved" thing at the bottom kind of goes against the contest rules, maybe you just added it for asthetics but I'd hate to see your submission pulled due to something like that.

I also really like the humor in Leadora's post. I laughed out loud. "nothing in the forests of Lordaeron whispered your name... but one of those infected squirrels threw up and it sounded something like "Ike", so we named you that. lol

TomWolf 08-26-08 05:57 AM

Since I was hoping someone would comment on my and nobody did I thought perhaps I shouldn't be sad about that....I didn't comment on anyone elses ;)

So here goes:

Kaps: You stole my idea!!! I had a similar idea myself but scrapped it when your entry came up ;) *

Bouvi: Can't say I'm a fan of the graphics ;) but the surround speaker comment was pretty funny =) *

Icecoldcoke: PG13? ;) We can hope that 12 year olds don't get the joke. The second one had a nice idea, thoguh I'm not a fan of the orange or the hand painted speech bubbles. +

Dimencia: I like the Andy Warhol pic but the two first doesn't seems to have anything to do with the theme of this competition, UI and Addons. The third one is a bit odd as well since it more or less says that addons are for n00bs in a competition on an addon site. +

Bouvi again: First I didn't like chuck, then I grew to enjoy him, then I started to dislike him again and then I learned to hate the other characters ;) None the less I think that the chuck series deserves a win. **

Duracel: The funny part of this comic is that the n00b player use IBM while the addon author use a noname =) I also think you did good with making the back character in black profile only. *

Tarquin: There is a poster competition on (it ends today, tuseday). I enjoyed this poster and deffinatly think it deserves a win. ***

TomWolf: That's me...please leave a comment on my comic =D

Creyendo: I'm sorry but I didn't enjoy this one. The joke is done to many times, the windows logo is copyrighted and I'm pretty sure you ain't allow to use it like this, the punchline was way to long. :(

Dimencia again: I like the chuck piece. Would have been even better if you had a picture of Chuck the crocolisk baby =) ***

Ozymandius: I like the style of this. The punchline wasn't as strong as it could have been but the imagry is really good. Well done. **

Falindriel: Good idea. For me personally it took to long of examine the picture before I figured out what everything was though. Still a good idea. *

VnTale: Nice graphics =) Nice punchline. Perhaps one square to long. The punchline could have been just one final square. Still, high score and definatly a winning entry in my book. ****

Reneecgirl: Again the sarcasm that addons are for people with no skill. Not a theme I think is funny. Still I think you managed well with the comic and for someone who enjoys the joke you told it in a good way. +

Arno: Good imagry. I didn't get the comic though. Might be just me that is stupid ;) Still, I like the way you built up the comic graphically. *

Fireproof213: I like the punchline and don't know why anyone else did a piece on this theme. It's actually a better joke then the "screen clutter" one just based on it being original. The graphics and story build up leaves something to wish for though. **

Kaps: PG13? :(

Leadora: win =) Good one I think. I like the different graphics and I like the "Ike" joke. ****

Zirkonium: There was one fun thing in this one and that was the free* part =) Other then that I can't say I thought it was funny, soz =/ +

Ozymandius again: Win =) I enjoy your style and think you should have your own little wow comic. (if you don't have one allready) If I had a site for wow comics, wich I've been thinking about starting, I'd definatly look you up. I really enjoy your style...and this second entry had a really funny punchline (word of the day...punchline) as well, good luck. *****

And for those that want to know my scale in scores go:

failquail 08-26-08 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by arno933 (Post 100035)

My Fav so far, nice one!

Bouvi 08-26-08 06:31 AM

Tomwolf: I relate to yours. I remember many a time trying to find the sweet spot with that addon. Hard to do in a couple of the Kara fights.

I am definitely not an artist but I am hoping to win a key for my wife so she will quit bugging me :)

Main thing is I wanted to have fun which I have had. Win or lose, no biggie but I enjoyed creating Chuck and not sure I am done with him yet.

Thanks for the kind words.

TomWolf 08-26-08 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Dimencia (Post 100211)
"Dimencia your top in dmg and the highest DPS but you dont pull agro you have a new omen or something?"

nope its called waiting for tank to gain enough threat and know to hold back after you get that 7k shadowbolt crit

There's your comic right there ;)

I agree though, aggro management ain't that hard even without omen, it does help optimise it though. As a hunter I can quite easily be on top of dmg with no risc of stealing aggro. Omen helps me get a tiny bit extra dps out of a boss fight though. Omen also helps me evaluate how good the tank is at gaining aggro.

arno933 08-27-08 08:35 AM

the person that placed the comic after me with illidan sure knows where he got his inspiration xd , nice story though ! :) , although it resembles my comic a bit.

Icecoldcoke 08-27-08 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by TomWolf (Post 100202)
Icecoldcoke: PG13? ;) We can hope that 12 year olds don't get the joke. The second one had a nice idea, thoguh I'm not a fan of the orange or the hand painted speech bubbles. +

I think it's PG13. Orange is my favorite color :(. I couldn't find a button to make speech bubbles, so that sucked.

And yours.. It does always seem like you're always standing too close to someone with those range check things, so it was pretty funny. I liked the colored pencil effect you used in Photoshop?

arno933 08-28-08 09:36 PM

good luck to all :) !

TomWolf 08-29-08 08:08 AM

Time to continue my comments about other peoples work, think there should be more comments on everyone really =)

AcidRain: The best part of the comic is the first four squares. I'd rather see that this comic was split in two. I loved the first four squares and the last three was just ok imho. ***** on the first part ***½ all in all.

celebi23: Even though I enjoyed the comic it fails to follow the rules of the competition. It doesn't have anything to do with UI or addons. + (*** is the rating I'd give outside of the competition)

Sylvann: Loved the idea behind this. That's how I felt when I got to try the beta. The art leaves some to wish for though. **

Coly: First I disliked this, then I kinda liked it. It's a bit much for a one square comic. Lot's of little tidbits of great fun though =) ***

ghostnata: Didn't get it, didn't have anything to do with the theme of the far as I could tell. Soz -

Howlsatmoonlight: That's me!!! I hate updating mods due to the fact that I have close to 200 of them! Nice art as well as a good idea. ****

ghostnata again: This one was in theme so it won't get a - rating from me. I think the backround was a bit murky and it didn't quite pop for me. +

Iolanthe: Good one. I enjoyed this both idea wise and graphics. Liked how you used the loading background mixed with penciltype graphics. ****

Arathius: Good idea, not quite as good graphics. For the flow of the comic I'd like to see one more frame just before the last one where the second guy is gone (to get the addon). I like the use of the closeup.

maishoku: Sorry but this was to long and to confusing for me. The punchline got lost somewhere along the way and when I finally found it it was a bit dissapointing. -

Amingo: Liked the style, didn't quite get it. +

Hanakabo17: Didn't get the joke and the quality was a bit to low for my high personal standard ;) Something tells me there is something there though, just can't put my finger on it. *

chauronity: Didn't quite get it but it had Chuck in it. **½

Silh: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you are an addon author stuck in lua... ;) good idea and all coders and UI freaks will recognise themselves. ****

zanexnation: Nice graphics =) I really enjoyed the style of this. ****

FarscapeGrl: Not sure you are allowed to submit someone elses work. Atleast not if he has entered in the competition himself. Other then that, it's a question many gnomes have asked themselves. **

LittleWhiteDove: Hi there =) Glad to see that I'm not the only one who brought their mother to the game...I recognise myself in that entry a looot. ;) I'd give this a ****

Howlsatmoonlight: The link to the theme was a bit of a stretch but I liked the graphics a lot and the idea (without the addon part) was funny. ***

blackshock2x: More of a poster then a comic. That aside it wasn't very funny, but that might not have been the point. To be honest I don't really know what to think about this one. +

Zyplon: Interesting to see a guide in comic form. I got a bit confused with all the in game, out of game references. Once or twice it was funny but after a while it got really confusing. Better to either go with pure in game or pure out of game in my opinion. Other then that, great job! ****

Seriny: Glad to see you got the entry up in time. You know I love your humor. My somewhat influenced opinion on this is a pure ***** ;) The only bad part is that I think you made a better entry then me.

TomWolf 08-29-08 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Icecoldcoke (Post 100349)
I liked the colored pencil effect you used in Photoshop?

Thanks, it's the posterize filter. Quite fun to work with really.

Zyplon 08-29-08 08:50 AM


Zyplon: Interesting to see a guide in comic form. I got a bit confused with all the in game, out of game references. Once or twice it was funny but after a while it got really confusing. Better to either go with pure in game or pure out of game in my opinion. Other then that, great job! ****
Thanks for the comments!
I did actually try to get it done using all ingame references, but it got too hard in the end. I also wanted it to be of use to people who dont actually know how to instal an addon.

As for yours, i loved the joke in it, its happened to me once or twice! I also really liked the effects on the players and Maiden, but didnt like the background affect - but maybe i've just been to Kara too much!

Bouvi 08-29-08 09:06 AM

All are good and there are some really great ones. The bad thing is there are some that will prob be DQd due to not going with the theme. Just added my last one. Spent more time on this than the others. Hope you enjoy!

Arathius 08-29-08 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by TomWolf (Post 100617)
Arathius: Good idea, not quite as good graphics. For the flow of the comic I'd like to see one more frame just before the last one where the second guy is gone (to get the addon). I like the use of the closeup.

Yeah, I had that idea too, I was trying not to make it too big, but I think I may add that other frame, it shouldn't be much of a problem.

The graphics I was actually trying to go for a cartoony look to try to add to the humor, but to be honest I'm not too experienced with flash.

Thanks for the comments.:)

Edit: Added the new frame, check it out and tell me if its any good.

zanexnation 08-29-08 11:15 AM


zanexnation: Nice graphics =) I really enjoyed the style of this. ****

Thanks TomWolf, I really enjoyed working on this, I'm not that great at straight up making things on photoshop or paint so I decided to just draw it out and use color pencils for color.

TomWolf 08-29-08 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Arathius (Post 100636)
Edit: Added the new frame, check it out and tell me if its any good.

Yes, I liked this much better =) an extra * on your scorecard for me ;) :banana:

TomWolf 08-29-08 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by zanexnation (Post 100649)
Thanks TomWolf, I really enjoyed working on this, I'm not that great at straight up making things on photoshop or paint so I decided to just draw it out and use color pencils for color.

Well, big props for you for doing it the "right" way and doing it good. Bad cartoons are worse when made by hand and good cartoons are better when made by hand =)

Arathius 08-29-08 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by TomWolf (Post 100650)
Yes, I liked this much better =) an extra * on your scorecard for me ;) :banana:

Thanks, you think there is anything else that I can do to make it better?

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