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Voorije 09-03-08 03:59 AM

RuneWatch (WotLK)
RuneWatch is a RuneFrame Replacement Addon which has slowly evolved into a UnitFrame for DeathKnights. The Mod tracks your runes, thier cooldowns and also visually represents your Runic Power.

The aim of RuneWatch is to make your DeathKnight specific statistics more visually appealing and noticeable. In addition to this, RuneWatch is highly customizable and allows you to change a number of aspects of both it's Appearance and Behavior.
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This Thread
The purpose of this thread is for users to ask questions, and post comments about the mod. I've had Admins disable mod comments on my project because they're often mis-used and I also wanted to attempt to get people to post bug reports / feature requests right into the portal framework provided here at WoWI.

Vampyrate 09-09-08 09:29 PM

Hello from Dethcowess (the now sad DK who's been dejected and nerfed)

Voorije 09-10-08 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by Vampyrate (Post 101806)
Hello from Dethcowess (the now sad DK who's been dejected and nerfed)

Hey Hey, and yea frost got smote.

Pesht 09-12-08 07:22 PM

This possibly could go into the suggestions area, but since it's somewhat out of the realm of the current mod, I wanted to post it here to see how much more than just rune and runic power management you wanted to put into this mod.

Did you ever want to add any duration tracking of diseases to it for instance?

I really like the look of it btw, very nicely done. My only complaints I have seem to be in the works to be fixed from looking at your list of future improvements.

Voorije 09-14-08 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pesht (Post 102003)
This possibly could go into the suggestions area, but since it's somewhat out of the realm of the current mod, I wanted to post it here to see how much more than just rune and runic power management you wanted to put into this mod.

Did you ever want to add any duration tracking of diseases to it for instance?

I really like the look of it btw, very nicely done. My only complaints I have seem to be in the works to be fixed from looking at your list of future improvements.

Disease Tracking in the works.

Which features? I can tell you roughly when they will be here.

Voorije 09-15-08 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Voorije (Post 102113)
Disease Tracking in the works.

Now in latest version (v1.1.3 Beta).

Pesht 09-16-08 06:35 PM

Very nice, that's just what I was hoping for with the disease indicator. Can be tricky picking out your diseases on a target with a lot of debuffs.

The option I was looking for but you already have in the works from what I understand, is to have it show the default "clock" style cooldown indicator for the runes, instead of the numbers.

The numbers are somewhat confusing to me when there are 6 of them all counting at different times, and they obscure the type of rune underneath, and while you can remember which runes are where, you can't see if it's a death rune or a blood rune for instance.

Voorije 09-17-08 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pesht (Post 102265)
Very nice, that's just what I was hoping for with the disease indicator. Can be tricky picking out your diseases on a target with a lot of debuffs.

The option I was looking for but you already have in the works from what I understand, is to have it show the default "clock" style cooldown indicator for the runes, instead of the numbers.

The numbers are somewhat confusing to me when there are 6 of them all counting at different times, and they obscure the type of rune underneath, and while you can remember which runes are where, you can't see if it's a death rune or a blood rune for instance.

The whole point of numbers vs. clock was the visual element. I'm going to color the text of the numbers to thier appropriate rune colors to increase clarity.

Pesht 09-18-08 07:18 PM

I'm a visual person though, never was good at math : p

I can understand the reasons behind the numbers, just saying, to me, I prefer the clock system. I could try and explain why, because there are rational logical reasons that it's better (as well as the same for the number system) but really, in the end, it just comes down to I prefer the clock system. : p

That being said, I'm still using the mod, and enjoying it greatly.

Voorije 09-18-08 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pesht (Post 102392)
I'm a visual person though, never was good at math : p

I can understand the reasons behind the numbers, just saying, to me, I prefer the clock system. I could try and explain why, because there are rational logical reasons that it's better (as well as the same for the number system) but really, in the end, it just comes down to I prefer the clock system. : p

That being said, I'm still using the mod, and enjoying it greatly.

Perhaps I will integrate both. Have #'s overtop the clock spin style effect.

TorqueT1 09-19-08 05:29 AM

First of all I'd like to say I love your add-on, I dunno what you have planed for your skins but I really like the old version of just the runes but would be nice if it had the fade after combat and maybe the Disease Tracking all with a skin like your old version. :D

I'm still using and love your 1.0build9 version

Voorije 09-19-08 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by TorqueT1 (Post 102407)
First of all I'd like to say I love your add-on, I dunno what you have planed for your skins but I really like the old version of just the runes but would be nice if it had the fade after combat and maybe the Disease Tracking all with a skin like your old version. :D

I'm still using and love your 1.0build9 version

Holy crap dude, upgrade!

v1.1.4 should be out in a little bit when the mods approve the new file.

It includes the compact skin, im sure you'll enjoy that one.

Patchumz 09-19-08 07:41 AM

It looks like (Using the compact setup) the Runic Power number in the middle of the circle isn't centered, for me.

Could you add an option for customizing the text in the center? The orange look with the big black border to it just doesn't appeal to me.

Could you also set the Disease counter to hide when there are no diseases? Or is that feature part of the disease thing already and is not fully implemented.

And finally :P I love what you've done to it so far, using the compact mode with a frost skin and the alpha runes makes me pretty happy, great work!

.. Now if only I could get OmniCC to stop covering up my Runes with a timer.. since it already has a better one. (Better one is the built in one, that looks sexy cuz of the graphic.)

TorqueT1 09-19-08 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Voorije (Post 102409)
Holy crap dude, upgrade!

v1.1.4 should be out in a little bit when the mods approve the new file.

It includes the compact skin, im sure you'll enjoy that one.

Yea I know I was in need of a upgrade but I wasn't too kin on the new look and showing my runic power and all..
I still think the version i was using was the best, I mean all I needed was just the rune's plain and simple, Now if only that simple look had the fade option and maybe disease tracking then it would be perfect in my book. =p

Voorije 09-20-08 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by TorqueT1 (Post 102441)
Yea I know I was in need of a upgrade but I wasn't too kin on the new look and showing my runic power and all..
I still think the version i was using was the best, I mean all I needed was just the rune's plain and simple, Now if only that simple look had the fade option and maybe disease tracking then it would be perfect in my book. =p

Stay Tuned for the "LightWeight" skin slated for a future version.

Voorije 09-20-08 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Patchumz (Post 102414)
It looks like (Using the compact setup) the Runic Power number in the middle of the circle isn't centered, for me.

Could you add an option for customizing the text in the center? The orange look with the big black border to it just doesn't appeal to me.

Could you also set the Disease counter to hide when there are no diseases? Or is that feature part of the disease thing already and is not fully implemented.

And finally :P I love what you've done to it so far, using the compact mode with a frost skin and the alpha runes makes me pretty happy, great work!

.. Now if only I could get OmniCC to stop covering up my Runes with a timer.. since it already has a better one. (Better one is the built in one, that looks sexy cuz of the graphic.)

Yea, that stupid text in the compact mode wouldn't look "right" no matter what I did.

Im going to tweak it some more in the next versions.

Please add your "suggestion" about the disease tracker fading out to the "Feature Requests" tracker or add a ticket on my curseforge project.

I'll keep you informed of the progress through that.

diospadre 10-27-08 10:57 PM

Is this mod going to see further updates?

Voorije 11-15-08 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by diospadre (Post 107161)
Is this mod going to see further updates?

Yes, im just focusing on leveling my rogue a bit. Will have more for you guys in the coming week.

Psoewish 11-15-08 11:09 PM

I have reccomended this one to a few guild members who rolled DK, and they seem to love it. :)

Good job, I'll defo use it too when I get WotLK :P

Voorije 11-16-08 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Psoewish (Post 109335)
I have reccomended this one to a few guild members who rolled DK, and they seem to love it. :)

Good job, I'll defo use it too when I get WotLK :P

That's great to hear!

olorin00 11-22-08 01:55 AM

Thanks for the addon, that's the one I prefer over the many different rune one we can find this day.

Just a question, I can see on your pic that you got a timer for each disease, at right and left of the disease main tracker. But ingame I dont have it, and cant find an option to put it. So is it a future feature or did I missed something?

Tks again.


Voorije 11-24-08 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by olorin00 (Post 110126)
Thanks for the addon, that's the one I prefer over the many different rune one we can find this day.

Just a question, I can see on your pic that you got a timer for each disease, at right and left of the disease main tracker. But ingame I dont have it, and cant find an option to put it. So is it a future feature or did I missed something?

Tks again.


Which version of the mod are you using. v1.2.0 should have 4(5) tracked diseases.

Make sure you're using the latest version.

olorin00 11-24-08 12:00 PM

I am using the last version (1.2 stable); however my game is in french, that may explain it infortunatly.

Voorije 11-25-08 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by olorin00 (Post 110362)
I am using the last version (1.2 stable); however my game is in french, that may explain it infortunatly.

That actually does.

If you could provide the French names of all 5 diseases I will try to add simple localization into the next version for french clients.

Psoewish 11-25-08 05:48 PM

Blood Plague - Peste de sang
Icy Touch - Toucher de glace
Unholy blight - Chancre impie
Crypt Fever - Fièvre de la crypte
Ebon Plague - Peste d'ébène

I don't have a French client, but Google ftw. :)

Voorije 11-25-08 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Psoewish (Post 110531)
Blood Plague - Peste de sang
Icy Touch - Toucher de glace
Unholy blight - Chancre impie
Crypt Fever - Fièvre de la crypte
Ebon Plague - Peste d'ébène

I don't have a French client, but Google ftw. :)

I need a case-sensitive exact representation of what blizzard uses. They may not be direct translations.

Psoewish 11-26-08 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Voorije (Post 110550)
I need a case-sensitive exact representation of what blizzard uses. They may not be direct translations.

I didn't put em through a translator though, I think it was wowhead that gave me the translations. And I would suspect those to be correct. :)

EDIT: the capitalization should be correct as well.

Voorije 11-27-08 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Psoewish (Post 110585)
I didn't put em through a translator though, I think it was wowhead that gave me the translations. And I would suspect those to be correct. :)

EDIT: the capitalization should be correct as well.

Well I can put them in, but I need someone with a french client to test it before i push it into release.

olorin00 11-29-08 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Psoewish (Post 110531)
Blood Plague - Peste de sang
Icy Touch - Toucher de glace
Unholy blight - Chancre impie
Crypt Fever - Fièvre de la crypte
Ebon Plague - Peste d'ébène

I don't have a French client, but Google ftw. :)

If I understand it correctly you need the disease put on the target, not the skill that cause it right? So you are missing this one (instead of Icy Touch - Toucher de glace):

Frost Fever = Fièvre de givre

Tks for your efforts.


Well I can put them in, but I need someone with a french client to test it before i push it into release.
If you mean installing a beta version and testing it I can do that; if it require some XML or similar skills I cant help infortunatly :s

Psipherious 11-30-08 05:13 PM

This addon is excellent, thanks for putting the time in to create it. I've been using it since the beta.

I have a question though, I just upgraded for the first time in a while from 1.15 to 1.21 and the disease indicators have changed from squares to boxes. Is there anyway to get them to be boxes again? Is there a configuration option for this somewhere? I seem unable to find one.

Thanks again for the great addon.

Tisina 04-04-09 02:48 PM

config options diseases
He, just found this addon.. just love it.
But i have a question regarding the disease tracker
When i wanna adjust these, the "error-msg; that orientation is not available for "compact""
But i am using full skin.
Is this as supposed? or did something went wrong?
The timer on the disease work, also the main one (couldnt place the skull in first place, untill i read this forum). But hoped to make it more clarified then the standard... still figuring out which disease is represented by which icon.
Keep up the good work though.

Voorije 04-18-09 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Tisina (Post 124184)
He, just found this addon.. just love it.
But i have a question regarding the disease tracker
When i wanna adjust these, the "error-msg; that orientation is not available for "compact""
But i am using full skin.
Is this as supposed? or did something went wrong?
The timer on the disease work, also the main one (couldnt place the skull in first place, untill i read this forum). But hoped to make it more clarified then the standard... still figuring out which disease is represented by which icon.
Keep up the good work though.

If you look at the icons they're the same icon you'd see in the debuff details for your target.

Left -> Right:

Crypt Fever / Ebon Plague -> Blood Plague -> Frost Fever -> Unholy Blight

Srosh 08-16-09 08:33 AM

Nice addon!

Is there a way to only use the disease icons (without even the horn of winter one)?

Lyelu 11-19-10 08:26 AM

Seems a while since anyone commented here. Is your addon being maintained? How would you feel about it if I used some of your code and/or graphics to make version for other power types, like Holy Shards etc?

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