
WoWInterface (
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-   -   Nui 5.07.34 Font not set (

generalhanor 09-10-13 04:38 PM

Nui 5.07.34 Font not set
Health Bars don't show numbers, mouseover causes this error

Date: 2013-09-10 17:54:13
ID: 41
Error occured in: Global
Count: 16
Message: ..\AddOns\nUI\Units\nUI_UnitSpec.lua line 805:
nUI_PartyUnit_Mouseover_SpecLabel:SetText(): Font not set
[C]: SetText()
nUI\Units\nUI_UnitSpec.lua:805: updateSpecFrame()
nUI\Units\nUI_UnitSpec.lua:528: newUnitInfo()
(*temporary) = nUI_PartyUnit_Mouseover_SpecLabel {
a = 1
hScale = 0.75
relative_to = "nUI_PartyUnit_Mouseover_Spec"
active = true
yOfs = 0
xOfs = 0
g = 1
justifyH = "CENTER"
vScale = 0.64124992752075
enabled = false
r = 1
relative_pt = "CENTER"
font_size = 13.466248477936
justifyV = "MIDDLE"
anchor_pt = "CENTER"
0 = <userdata>
b = 1
(*temporary) = "Humanoid"

Swatter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
ACP, v3.4.3
AucAdvanced, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucFilterBasic, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v5.17.5413.5364(5.17/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatiLevel, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatPurchased, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatSales, v5.17.5413.5376(5.17/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatStdDev, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.17.5413.5323(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.17.5413.5393(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.17.5413.5392(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.17.5413.5400(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v5.17.5413.5403(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.17.5413.4979(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.17.5413.5373(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.17.5413.5388(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.17.5413.4828(5.17/embedded)
AutoVendor, v0.22
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BagBrother, v
Bagnon, v5.4.0
BagnonAccountSearch, v1.7.0
BeanCounter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
DBMCore, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
Enchantrix, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
EnchantrixBarker, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
GatherMate2, v1.27
GTFO, v4.23.7
Informant, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.350(/embedded)
MogIt, v3.1.5
MogItHighlighter, vv1.0.2
nUI, v5.07.34 (Plus)
nUIActionBarGridDisplay, v5.2.0.16733.01
nUIConfigGUI, v40300.1
nUIConfigLDB, v5.2.0.16733.01
nUIInfoPanelDualStats, v5.07.19
Omen, v3.1.8
Postal, v3.5.1
Prat30, v3.5.6
Prat30HighCPUUsageModules, v
Prat30Libraries, v
Recount, v
ReforgeLite, v1.32
SilverDragon, vv3.0.7
SlideBar, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
Stubby, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
TidyPlates, v6.12.1
TidyPlatesGraphite, v
TidyPlatesGrey, v
TidyPlatesNeon, v
TidyPlatesQuatre, v
TidyPlatesHub, v
TidyPlatesWidgets, v
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.351(/embedded)
Titan, v5.1.24.50400
TitanBag, v5.1.24.50400
TitanClock, v5.1.24.50400
TitanGold, v5.1.24.50400
TitanLocation, v5.1.24.50400
TitanLootType, v5.1.24.50400
TitanPerformance, v5.1.24.50400
TitanRepair, v5.1.24.50400
TitanVolume, v5.1.24.50400
TitanXP, v5.1.24.50400
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.4.0.50400 <us>

generalhanor 09-10-13 04:45 PM

Further testing, rolled back to 5.07.32

health bars are fine.

spiel2001 09-10-13 07:16 PM

Are you on US or Euro realm? (i.e. 5.4 or 5.3?)

I tested it pretty well on 5.4 and didn't see any of those errors.

generalhanor 09-11-13 06:29 AM

5.4 US Runetotem

I'll redownload and re-install, and get back to you

generalhanor 09-11-13 06:38 AM

5.07.36 exhibits similar behavior
To repeat, .32 works fine (although it might have other compatibility issues I haven't tested.)

Date: 2013-09-11 08:33:09
ID: 9
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\nUI\Units\nUI_UnitLabel.lua line 594:
nUI_SoloUnit_Mouseover_LabelText:SetText(): Font not set
[C]: SetText()
nUI\Units\nUI_UnitLabel.lua:594: updateLabelFrame()
nUI\Units\nUI_UnitLabel.lua:389: newUnitInfo()
(*temporary) = nUI_SoloUnit_Mouseover_LabelText {
a = 1
hScale = 0.75
relative_to = "nUI_SoloUnit_Mouseover_Label"
active = true
yOfs = -5.129999420166
xOfs = 0
g = 0.83
justifyH = "CENTER"
vScale = 0.64124992752075
enabled = true
r = 1
relative_pt = "CENTER"
font_size = 12.344061104774
justifyV = "MIDDLE"
anchor_pt = "TOP"
0 = <userdata>
b = 0
(*temporary) = "Genhanor"

Swatter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
ACP, v3.4.4
AucAdvanced, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucFilterBasic, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v5.17.5413.5364(5.17/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatiLevel, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatPurchased, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatSales, v5.17.5413.5376(5.17/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatStdDev, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.17.5413.5323(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.17.5413.5393(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.17.5413.5392(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.17.5413.5400(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v5.17.5413.5403(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.17.5413.4979(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.17.5413.5373(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.17.5413.5388(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.17.5413.4828(5.17/embedded)
AutoVendor, v0.22
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BagBrother, v
Bagnon, v5.4.0
BagnonAccountSearch, v1.7.0
BeanCounter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
DBMCore, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
Enchantrix, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
EnchantrixBarker, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
GatherMate2, v1.27
GTFO, v4.23.7
Informant, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.350(/embedded)
MogIt, v3.1.5
MogItHighlighter, vv1.0.2
nUI, v5.07.36 (Plus)
nUIActionBarGridDisplay, v5.2.0.16733.01
nUIConfigGUI, v40300.1
nUIConfigLDB, v5.2.0.16733.01
nUIInfoPanelDualStats, v5.07.19
Omen, v3.1.8
Postal, v3.5.1
Prat30, v3.5.7
Prat30HighCPUUsageModules, v
Prat30Libraries, v
Recount, v
ReforgeLite, v1.32
SilverDragon, vv3.0.7
SlideBar, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
Stubby, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
TidyPlates, v6.12.1
TidyPlatesGraphite, v
TidyPlatesGrey, v
TidyPlatesNeon, v
TidyPlatesQuatre, v
TidyPlatesHub, v
TidyPlatesWidgets, v
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.351(/embedded)
Titan, v5.1.24.50400
TitanBag, v5.1.24.50400
TitanClock, v5.1.24.50400
TitanGold, v5.1.24.50400
TitanLocation, v5.1.24.50400
TitanLootType, v5.1.24.50400
TitanPerformance, v5.1.24.50400
TitanRepair, v5.1.24.50400
TitanVolume, v5.1.24.50400
TitanXP, v5.1.24.50400
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.4.0.50400 <us>

spiel2001 09-11-13 06:41 AM

Are there any other areas, other than the health bars, that are exhibiting the same behavior (no text or mouseover errors?)

generalhanor 09-11-13 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 284319)
Are there any other areas, other than the health bars, that are exhibiting the same behavior (no text or mouseover errors?)

Yes, pretty much all the tooltips, the auras on the side of the Hud, Enemies and friendlies alike, No names, No Numbers, No information at all.

Unit Frames only display the picture of characters and targets, and the graph bars and nothing else.

Edit; Action bar tooltips are fine

jsr1976 09-11-13 06:52 AM

New Bug in 5.4
Hi Scott

I'm running nui with the spanish locale and i get this bug

Date: 2013-09-11 13:49:45
ID: 29
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\nUI\Units\nUI_UnitPower.lua line 929:
nUI_SoloUnit_Player_PowerPercent:SetText(): Font not set
[C]: SetText()
nUI\Units\nUI_UnitPower.lua:929: updatePowerFrame()
nUI\Units\nUI_UnitPower.lua:632: newUnitInfo()
(*temporary) = nUI_SoloUnit_Player_PowerPercent {
0 = <userdata>
hScale = 0.5625
relative_to = "$parent_PctPower"
b = 1
yOfs = 0.534375
xOfs = 0
justifyV = "MIDDLE"
justifyH = "CENTER"
value = "95.0%"
vScale = 0.534375
enabled = true
r = 1
relative_pt = "CENTER"
font_size = 10.28671875
a = 1
anchor_pt = "CENTER"
active = true
g = 1
(*temporary) = "95.0%"

Swatter, v4.4.0 (<%codename%>)
WowheadLooter, v50012
NPCScan, v5.0.0.5
NPCScanOverlay, v5.0.0.3
Ace3, v
ACP, v3.4.4
AraBrokerGuildFriends, vr62
AraBrokerReputations, vr15
AraBrokerTradeskills, vr540.1
Archy, v1.8.42
AucAdvanced, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucFilterBasic, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v5.17.5413.5364(5.17/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatiLevel, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatPurchased, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatSales, v5.17.5413.5376(5.17/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatStdDev, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.17.5413.5323(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.17.5413.5393(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.17.5413.5392(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.17.5413.5400(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.17.5413.5365(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v5.17.5413.5403(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.17.5413.4979(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v5.17.5413.5347(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.17.5413.5373(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.17.5413.5388(5.17/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.17.5413.4828(5.17/embedded)
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BagBrother, v
Bagnon, v5.4.0
BankItems, v50003
BattlePetCount, v1.7.3
BeanCounter, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
BetterBattlePetTooltip, v5.3.0.47
BittensSpellFlashPally, v3.6.1
BittensSpellFlashLibrary, v50400.1.0
BuyEmAll, v3.1.7
Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
CookingHelper, v2.02
Critline, v4.5.3
DarkmoonProfessional, v1.1.0
DBMCore, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
DugisGuideViewerZ, v2.700
EasyMail, v
Enchantrix, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
EnchantrixBarker, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
Exonumist, v5.3.0.36
FBBroker, v1.19l
FBMergeDatabase, v1.2p
FBOutfitDisplayFrame, v1.2p
FBTitan, v1.0.12
FBTrackingFrame, v1.2p
FishingBuddy, v1.2p
Gatherer, v4.4.0
Grid, v5.3.0.1621
HandyNotes, v1.2.0
Informant, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
ItemLevelDisplay, v1.2.4 r47
LibBabbleArtifacts30, vr11-release
LibBabbleDigSites30, v5.4-release1
LibBabbleInventory30, v
LibBabbleSubZone30, v
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.350(/embedded)
LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-81
MobInfo2, vr71
MozzFullWorldMap, v5.04.00.00
NPCScanEx, v1.2.3
nUI, v5.07.36 (Plus)
nUIAuraButtons, v5.07.19
nUIConfigChatFrame, v40200.1
nUIConfigColors, v40300.1
nUIConfigGUI, v40200.1
nUIConfigHUD, v40200.1
nUIConfigLDB, v5.2.0.16733.01
nUIDragon, v5.07.19
nUIInfoPanelArchy, v1.04.00 (WoW 4.3)
nUIInfoPanelChat, v5.2.0.16733.01
nUIInfoPanelGrid, v4.0.1.0
nUIInfoPanelGuildChat, v5.2.0.16733.01
nUIInfoPanelProfessions, v2.00.00
nUIInfoPanelStats, v5.07.19
nUIInfoPanelWhispers, v5.2.0.16733.01
Omen, v3.1.8
Overachiever, v0.73
OverachieverTabs, v0.73
OverachieverTrade, v0.73
ProfessionsVault, v6.4.8
QuestHubber, v
QuestHubberAzeroth, v
QuestHubberCataclysm, v
QuestHubberDaily, v
QuestHubberNorthrend, v
QuestHubberOutland, v
QuestHubberPandaria, v
Recount, v
SlideBar, v4.4.0 (<%codename%>)
SpellFlash, v6.8
SpellFlashCore, v2.0.3
Stubby, v5.17.5413 (NeedyNoddy)
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.351(/embedded)
Titan, v5.1.24.50400
TitanBag, v5.1.24.50400
TitanClock, v5.1.24.50400
TitanCurrency, v5.9
TitanEmote, v1.0.15.50001
TitanEquippedItemLevel, v1.1.3.40300
TitanFishing, v4.0.001
TitanGold, v5.1.24.50400
TitanHerbalism, v4.0.001
TitanLocation, v5.1.24.50400
TitanLootType, v5.1.24.50400
TitanMail, v5.3.0.0
TitanPerformance, v5.1.24.50400
TitanQuests, v3.0.9
TitanRepair, v5.1.24.50400
TitanSocial, v5.3r23
TitanValorPoints, v4.0.001
TitanVolume, v5.1.24.50400
TitanXP, v5.1.24.50400
TomTom, vv50300-1.0.1
TradeSkillDW, v1.89
BlizRuntimeLib_esES v5.4.0.50400 <eu>

generalhanor 09-11-13 06:57 AM

Screenshot for reference

Daveo77 09-11-13 08:14 AM

Weird, as I'm getting no errors with 5.07.36

Your screenshot does show that nUI hasn't loaded correctly tho, not sure why.

generalhanor 09-11-13 08:30 AM

Further TroubleShooting
Deleted Cache, Deleted WTF
Error Continues

spiel2001 09-11-13 09:26 AM

If I may ask... can you try going through the complete "clean" installation procedure at just to verify there's no odd artifacts out there.

I know it's a pain, but I need to eliminate variables.

This is not a broad problem, no one else (so far) is reporting it, so we need to try and isolate where it's coming from.

spiel2001 09-11-13 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by jsr1976 (Post 284321)
Hi Scott

I'm running nui with the spanish locale and i get this bug

Okay... so, now I have two reports of this, though yours is Localized.

I wonder if the other is as well.

Fonts changes in 5.4 for some reason and it seems to be causing some folks issues.

jsr1976 09-11-13 10:07 AM

Is a pleasure to help you. If you could find out what hapenned is good to know

generalhanor 09-11-13 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 284331)
If I may ask... can you try going through the complete "clean" installation procedure at just to verify there's no odd artifacts out there.

I know it's a pain, but I need to eliminate variables.

This is not a broad problem, no one else (so far) is reporting it, so we need to try and isolate where it's coming from.

Okay, so I moved out the WTF and the Interface folder, Inserted NUI 5.07.36
No Error

The error clearly stated NUI, So I'm thinking something in the WTF didn't update properly (although I did delete it I don't how that's possible). Maybe it was an addon conflict
I'm just gonna reinstall my addons one by one. Hopefully the error is resolved

generalhanor 09-11-13 03:21 PM

So Far I've reinstalled Nui, and Nui Dependent info panel addons, and no error so far
So the problem has to of been some sort of other conflict...weird

generalhanor 09-11-13 03:47 PM

Reinstalled all my addons, unable to replicate error

Don't know what to say now

2 addons were not reinstalled Nui Config and Nui GUI. These might be the source of the conflict, might not.
Haven't been updated in a while.
Other culprits might be out of date Mogit plugins, those weren't reinstalled either

Seer 09-11-13 04:12 PM

nUI config uses ACE IIRC. And I think the ACE library needs updating for 5.4.

Ye, think its nUI Config.

Still get an error tho, but it doesnt seem to be from nUI;

1x FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:232: attempt to index field "otherHealPrediction" (a nil value)
FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:232: in function "UnitFrameHealPredictionBars_Update"
FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:563: in function "UnitFrameHealthBar_Update"
FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:158: in function "UnitFrame_Update"
FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:112: in function "TargetFrame_Update"
FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:154: in function "OnEvent"
FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:679: in function <FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:677>
<in C code>
<string>:"CAMERAORSELECTORMOVE":4: in function <string>:"CAMERAORSELECTORMOVE":1

statusbar = TargetFrameHealthBar {
0 = <userdata>
currValue = 750923264
zeroText = ""
textLockable = 1
disconnected = false
forceHideText = false
unit = "target"
capNumericDisplay = true
TextString = TargetFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText {}
cvar = "targetStatusText"
frequentUpdates = true
lockShow = 0
unit = "target"

Think that belongs to ACE. not sure tho.

cork70 09-11-13 04:12 PM

I disabled Nui CONFIG and it fixed this problem with the HUD

generalhanor 09-11-13 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by cork70 (Post 284353)
I disabled Nui CONFIG and it fixed this problem with the HUD

LBD, or GUI?

LBD is authored by Xrystal who is active, and GUI is authored by Kodewulf....who I haven't seen in a while

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