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Sasari 01-13-23 11:21 PM

Up-to-date Bag Addon
Hello! I am looking for an updated to DF bag addon. I am currently using LiteBag (I think it's called), and while I like it, the only thing I don't like is that they are not character specific. Meaning, if I swap to an alt that doesn't have the same bags as the one I was just on, I have to resize my bag/bank window to how I want it, rather than it just staying as is no matter the character.

Is there an updated Bag addon that does this? I guess it would be an addon that has profiles? I used to use Bagnon back when I played a few years ago, but to my knowledge it hasn't been updated since 2019.

Any suggestions would be welcomed, thank you!

Aur0r4 01-14-23 09:02 AM

Bagnon is up to date on Curseforge.

Sasari 01-15-23 12:06 AM

My sister in christ, you are a god among men.

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