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Brusalk 01-27-13 01:50 AM

texture obj gets cleared but set attributes stay in table
Hi there!

I have a perplexing problem. I have a local table, textures, which is indexed by the texture object/widget. The value at a given index is true if the texture is in use, and false if not. (to store previously created textures to save work)

Now the perplexing part is that somewhere the texture is losing it's classification or whatever as a widget. However, any manually set values inside the widgets table stay. I have absolutely no clue what's causing this to happen and I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them.

Below is my get and free texture functions.


local numTexs = 0
function ns:getTempTexture(parent)
        local texture
        for tex, used in pairs(textures) do
                if not texture and not used then
                        texture = tex
                        textures[texture] = true
                        --print("Gave premade texture ",
        if not texture then -- need to make one
                texture = ns.frame:CreateTexture("Texture"..(numTexs))
       = "Texture"..(numTexs)
                textures[texture] = true
                --print("Made new texture ",
        numTexs = numTexs + 1
        texture:SetParent(parent or ns.frame)
        return texture       

function ns:freeTempTexture(texture)
        if texture == nil then return end

        if textures[texture] then -- in use
                textures[texture] = false -- Free the texture up
                --print("Freed up texture ",
                texture:Hide() -- Hide it.
                texture:ClearAllPoints() -- Unset it's location settings
        print("Attempting to remove a non used texture?")       

Now to be more specific, if I do a /dump on the textures table after a few textures have already been created, I get something like

textures = {
[Texture:Texture0] = false,
[Texture:Texture1] = false,
[Texture:Texture2] = false,

which is perfectly fine. However, when I call getTempTexture() after this point, I get an error that Hide() can't be performed on a non-widget. When I then dump out the textures table again, instead I get


textures = {
[{name="Texture0"}] = false,
[Texture:Texture1] = false,
[Texture:Texture2] = false,

Something is causing the object to lose it's texture properties but keep set values in the table, and I have absolutely no clue what it is.

Thoughts? Thanks!

Phanx 01-27-13 02:27 AM

Post your entire code. Attach files to your post, or use a paste site.

Brusalk 01-27-13 02:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The whole file is attached.

Whole addon with problem:

The problem specifically happens when the following 2 commands are run allowing time for the bar to fall off the left side of the spellbar before calling the 2nd one.

/run EH:addTimedBar("core",[1], 9, 1, "cooldown", 3, "debuff")

and then

/run EH:addTimedBar("core",[1], 9, 1, "cooldown", 3, "debuff")

after 12 seconds.

The second /run will error the following:


3x EventHorizon\EventHorizon-2.0.0.lua:585: Attempt to find "this" in non-framescript object
<in C code>
EventHorizon\EventHorizon-2.0.0.lua:585: in function "getTempTexture"
EventHorizon\EventHorizon-2.0.0.lua:748: in function "addTimedBar"
<string>:"EH:addTimedBar("core",[ChatFrame.lua:2158: in function "?"
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4388: in function <FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4334>
<in C code>
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4082: in function "ChatEdit_SendText"
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4121: in function "ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed"
[string "*:OnEnterPressed":1: in function <string>:"*:OnEnterPressed":1

self = <table> {
 blendModes = <table> {}
 layouts = <table> {}
 updateSettings = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:1119
 modules = <table> {}
 InitializeClass = <func> @EventHorizon_Warlock\config.lua:1
 textures = <table> {}
 freeTempTexture = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:590
 isModuleEnabled = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:288
 addSpellbarConfig = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:424
 spellbarConfig = <table> {}
 test = <table> {}
 nowLine = <unnamed> {}
 updateSpellbarSettings = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:973
 registerModuleEvent = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:295
 addTimedBar = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:655
 addBlendMode = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:382
 getSpellbarConfig = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:487
 getColor = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:457
 defaultConfig = <table> {}
 removeTimedBar = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:845
 getLayout = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:475
 getPositionByNow = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:885
 config = <table> {}
 events = <table> {}
 frame = <unnamed> {}
 getSavedVariable = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:543
 hookSpellbarHide = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:512
 addError = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:108
 addSpellbarRequirement = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:437
 shown = true
 getTempStatusBar = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:611
 getPositionByTime = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:877
 freeTempStatusBar = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:632
 getSavedVariablePerCharacter = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:560
 unregisterModuleEvent = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:336
 getConfig = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:483
 hookSpellbarSettingsUpdate = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:520
 barAnchor = <unnamed> {}
 defaultLayouts = <table> {}
 checkRequirements = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:1092
 hookSpellbarShow = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:503
 cBlendModes = <table> {}
 addConfig = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:410
 error = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:99
 hookSpellbarCreation = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:495
 applySettings = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:1191
 updateTimedBar = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:840
 statusbars = <table> {}
 defaultColors = <table> {}
 updateSpellbarIcon = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:1036
 getTempTexture = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:569
 cConfig = <table> {}
 getBlendMode = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:471
 defaultBlendModes = <table> {}
 removeSpellUpdate = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:865
 getIconForSpellbar = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:1072
 addSpellUpdate = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:851
 addColor = <func> @..\EventHorizon.lua:368
 enableModule = <func> @EventHo

Phanx 01-27-13 06:09 AM

Well, that error is certainly interesting, because it names line 585, which is a blank line in the file you posted...

Anyway, I don't see anything immediately obvious, and don't have time right now to comb through everything to figure out what's going wrong, but I'd suggest using a more robust recycling system for your textures.


local textures = {} -- textures in use

local GetTexture, FreeTexture
        local pool = {}
        function GetTexture(parent)
                local texture = next(pool)
                if texture then
                        pool[texture] = nil
                        return texture
                        return parent:CreateTexture()
        function FreeTexture(texture)
                texture:SetParent(nil) -- might need to use UIParent instead of nil here
                pool[texture] = true

Mixing used and unused textures in the same table seems like a recipe for trouble.

Also, when you clear the texture, don't forget to nil out the reference to it, eg:


bar.segments[firstVisible].tick = ns:freeTempTexture(bar.segments[firstVisible].tick)
I didn't look very far, but this may be related to your problem.

Brusalk 01-27-13 05:42 PM

Looks like it was a problem with the getTempTexture function.

Your code works perfectly. Thanks!

Phanx 01-27-13 10:20 PM

I edited my previous code slightly to set the parent in the GetTexture function, so it's consistent between the pooled and newly created textures returned.

Brusalk 01-27-13 11:30 PM

I have a somewhat related problem I think.

I'm getting the textures and everything is fine and dandy. The first time that I call EH:addTimedBar() the tick indicators are shown above the background texture correctly, however from then on the tick indicators show behind it, even though I've used tick:SetDrawLayer() and set them on completely different levels.

I've been trying to figure out why the ticks are showing behind textures that they should be in front of, but it's been a few hours now with no luck.

Do you have much experience with trying to draw stuff on different layers to ensure something is always right where it should be?

I thought the problem might be related to not sharing the same parent with the other textures, but even if they share it I still have the same issue.



Brusalk 01-27-13 11:43 PM

link to current branch with most up-to-date code.

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