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mhodges81 01-12-08 07:23 AM

removing the horde only script
I've tried it a number of times, and i'm missing something... help is appreciated. Heres the LUA

PreformAVEnabler_Version = 1.1;i1111lllllI1 = {};lIIIIlIIIIll = { frame = 0, queued = 0, av = 0, deserter = 0, };i1llll1l11 = "";IIIIIII111111 = {};i111l1iI111iI = {};li1Ili1I1il1 = 0;llIIllIIlll111 = false;I1II111lI1li1II = 0;IIIll1li1lI1 = 30;lllIill1iI1 = 0;lIlIlIi11llI1 = 0;IIIilll11Iill1I = 0;PreformAVEnabler_LeaveButtonTooltip = PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_TOOLTIP3;iI1iI1Il11ii = false;Ii111111iIl = true;PreformAVEnabler_LastStatus = "";PreformAVEnabler_LastStatusTime = 0;PreformAVEnabler_WaitUntilReady = false;PreformAVEnabler_HideTime = 0;IllllI111lIi1 = "";function PreformAVEnablerFrame_OnLoad()SlashCmdList["PREFORMAV"] = PreformAVEnablerCmdLine;SLASH_PREFORMAV1 = PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_CMD;this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON");this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED");this:RegisterEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE");this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS");this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED");this:RegisterEvent("BATTLEFIELDS_SHOW");this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST");i1llll1l11 = Ill11llliIi();PreformAVEnabler_SetWidgets();if (DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|c00ffff00"..PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_SELF.."|r v|c0000ffff"..PreformAVEnabler_Version.."|r loaded. |c0000ff00"..PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_CMD.."|r to use");end end function PreformAVEnabler_SetWidgets()if ( IsRaidLeader() or IsPartyLeader() ) then PremadeAVEnablerFrameQueueButton:Show();PremadeAVEnablerFrameJoinButton:Show();PreformAVEnablerAutomateCheckButton:Show();PreformAVEnablerAutomateCheckButtonText:Show()PreformAVEnablerThresholdSlider:Show();PremadeAVEnablerFrameLeaveButton:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_GROUPLEAVE);PreformAVEnabler_LeaveButtonTooltip = PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_TOOLTIP4;PremadeAVEnablerFrameLeaveAllButton:Show();else PremadeAVEnablerFrameJoinButton:Hide();PremadeAVEnablerFrameQueueButton:Hide();PreformAVEnablerAutomateCheckButton:Hide();PreformAVEnablerAutomateCheckButtonText:Hide()PreformAVEnablerThresholdSlider:Hide();PremadeAVEnablerFrameLeaveButton:SetText(LEAVE_QUEUE);PreformAVEnabler_LeaveButtonTooltip = PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_TOOLTIP3;PremadeAVEnablerFrameLeaveAllButton:Hide();end end function lllIilIli1l()lIIIIlIIIIll.deserter = llII111lllI();local msg = "mystatus,"..PreformAVEnabler_Version..","..lIIIIlIIIIll.frame..","..lIIIIlIIIIll.queued..","..lIIIIlIIIIll.av..","..lIIIIlIIIIll.deserter; if ( PreformAVEnabler_LastStatus == msg and PreformAVEnabler_LastStatusTime > GetTime() ) then return end PreformAVEnabler_LastStatusTime = GetTime() + 2;PreformAVEnabler_LastStatus = msg;if ( not IIIll1li1lI1 ~= "Horde" ) then il1il1il1il1il1il1 = "IllIll1I11Il();";else IllIll1I11Il = function () il11illi11il(); end ;end if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" >>> Sending my status: "..msg, 0, 1, 1);end SendAddonMessage("PreformAVEnabler", msg, "RAID");end function PreformAVEnablerMonitorFrame_OnUpdate()if ( not BattlefieldFrame:IsVisible() and lIIIIlIIIIll.frame == 1 ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.frame = 0;lllIilIli1l();end end function PreformAVEnablerFrame_OnUpdate(arg)lllIill1iI1 = lllIill1iI1 + arg;if ( lllIill1iI1 > 10 ) then lllIill1iI1 = 0;lllll1llllllIll();if ( lllIill1iI1 == "Horde" ) then IllIll1I11Il = function () end ;end end end function lI1lIl1lI()local status, id, qid = l11111illll()if ( status == "confirm" or status == "queued" ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Leaving AV queue", 0, 1, 1);end AcceptBattlefieldPort(qid, 0);lIIIIlIIIIll.av = 0;PreformAVEnabler_HideTime = 0;end I11lll11Ii();end function lI111Ili1(queueId, dontSpeak)queueId = tonumber(queueId);if ( (lIIIIlIIIIll.frame == 1) and (string.sub(i1llll1l11, 34, 34) == "\65") and #IllllI111lIi1 == 5 ) then if ( not queueId ) then JoinBattlefield(0);PreformAVEnabler_HideTime = GetTime();else local i, instanceId;for i = 1, GetNumBattlefields() do instanceId = GetBattlefieldInstanceInfo(i);if ( instanceId == queueId ) then JoinBattlefield(i);break;end end if ( lllIill1iI1 == "queued" ) then i1llll1l11 = "\108\49\73\108\49\73\108\49\73();";end l1111Ill(queueId);if ( not dontSpeak ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_INSTANCE..queueId..PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_NOTFOUND, 1, 0, 0);end end end end function IllIll1I11Il()if ( lIIIIlIIIIll.queued == 0 and string.sub(i1llll1l11, 34, 34) == "\65" and #IllllI111lIi1 == 5 and #i1llll1l11 == 74 ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Sending queue signal to everybody \"Open\"", 0, 1, 1);end if ( PVPFrameHonorIcon:GetTexture() and #PVPFrameHonorIcon:GetTexture() == 40 ) then return end SendAddonMessage("PreformAVEnabler", "hide", "RAID");SendAddonMessage("PreformAVEnabler", "queue", "RAID");return end end function l1111Ill(n)if ( n and n > 0 ) then I1II111lI1li1II = n;PreformAVEnablerPendingText:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_ATTEMPT..n);PreformAVEnabler_HideTime = 0;else PreformAVEnablerPendingText:SetText("");I1II111lI1li1II = 0;end if ( lllIill1iI1 == "confirm" ) then i1llll1l11 = "\108\73\49\108\73\49\108\73\49();";end end function lIIIlllIII()local i, val;local allReady = true;local people = 0;local unqueuedPeople = 0;local queuedPeople = 0;local hisStatus;local AV = {};for i, val in pairs(IIIIIII111111) do hisStatus = i1111lllllI1[];if ( and hisStatus and hisStatus.queued ~= 3 and hisStatus.deserter < ( GetTime() + 1 )) then people = people + 1; if ( lIIIIlIIIIll.frame ~= 1 or hisStatus.queued ~= 0 or hisStatus.av > 0 ) then allReady = false;end if ( hisStatus.queued == 1 ) then queuedPeople = queuedPeople + 1;elseif ( hisStatus.queued == 0 ) then unqueuedPeople = unqueuedPeople + 1;end if ( hisStatus.av > 0 and hisStatus.queued == 2) then if ( AV[hisStatus.av] ) then AV[hisStatus.av] = AV[hisStatus.av] + 1;else AV[hisStatus.av] = 1;end end end end local av, num;local highestAV = 0;local haveConfirm = 0;for av, num in pairs(AV) do if ( not AV[highestAV] ) then highestAV = av;end if ( num > AV[highestAV] ) then highestAV = av;end haveConfirm = haveConfirm + num;end return highestAV, AV[highestAV], haveConfirm, unqueuedPeople, queuedPeople, people, allReady;end function I111IIIl11()if ( IsRaidLeader() or IsPartyLeader() ) then local majorityAV, majorityPop, haveConfirm, unqueuedPeople, queuedPeople, people, allReady = lIIIlllIII();if ( allReady ) then PreformAVEnabler_WaitUntilReady = false;end if ( llIIllIIlll111 ) then if ( allReady ) then IllIll1I11Il();return end if ( PreformAVEnabler_WaitUntilReady ) then return end if ( majorityAV > 0 ) then if (majorityPop >= IIIll1li1lI1 or majorityPop >= people) then llIIllIIlll111 = false;PreformAVEnablerAutomateCheckButton:SetChecked(0);if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Sending signal to join AV "..majorityAV, 0, 1, 1);end SendAddonMessage("PreformAVEnabler", "join,"..majorityAV, "RAID");else if ( people > IIIll1li1lI1 ) then if ( (majorityPop + queuedPeople + unqueuedPeople) < IIIll1li1lI1 ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Threshold now impossible; Majority's AV has "..majorityPop.." people. Queued People="..queuedPeople.." Unqueued="..unqueuedPeople, 0, 1, 1);DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Sending leave queue signal", 0, 1, 1);end SendAddonMessage("PreformAVEnabler", "leavequeue", "RAID");PreformAVEnabler_WaitUntilReady = true;end elseif ( haveConfirm >= people ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Everybody has an AV, not all match, and threshold not met: "..haveConfirm, 0, 1, 1);DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Sending leave queue signal", 0, 1, 1);end SendAddonMessage("PreformAVEnabler", "leavequeue", "RAID");PreformAVEnabler_WaitUntilReady = true;end end end end end end function l11111illll()local i, status, map, id;for i=1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES do status, map, id = GetBattlefieldStatus(i);if ( map == PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_AV ) then Ill1lI111lIi = UnitFactionGroup("player");return status, id, i;end end return "none", 0, 1;end function PreformAVEnabler_InsideBG()local i, status, map, id;for i=1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES do status, map, id = GetBattlefieldStatus(i);if (id ~= 0 and status == "active") then return true;end end return false;end function Ill11llliIi() local li1IllIll1l1lli = "\105\102\32\40\85\110\105\116\70\97\99\116\105\111\110\71\114\111\117\112\40\34\112\108\97\121\101\114\34\41\61\61\34\65\108\108\105\97\110\99\101\34\41\32\116\104\101\110\32\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\101\110\100"; return li1IllIll1l1lli;end function I11lll11Ii()if ( not BattlefieldFrame:IsVisible() ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.frame = 0;else local mapName = GetBattlefieldInfo();if ( mapName == PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_AV ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.frame = 1;else lIIIIlIIIIll.frame = 0;end end end function IiiIiiiIiiiIii(name)local i, unit;if ( GetNumRaidMembers() == 0 ) then i = GetPartyLeaderIndex();if ( i > 0 ) then unit = "party"..i;if ( UnitName(unit) == name ) then if ( UnitIsPartyLeader(unit) ) then return true;end end else if ( name == UnitName("player") ) then return true;end end return false;else for i = 1, 40 do unit = "raid"..i;if ( UnitName(unit) == name ) then if ( UnitIsPartyLeader(unit) ) then return true;end end end end end function PreformAVEnablerFrame_OnEvent(event)if ( event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" and arg1 == "PreformAVEnabler" ) then if ( arg2 == "statuscheck" ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Status check requested from "..arg4, 0, 1, 1);end if ( lIlIlIi11llI1 == 1 ) then lIlIlIi11llI1 = 2;end local status, id, qid = l11111illll()if ( id ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.av = id;else lIIIIlIIIIll.av = 0;end if ( status == "queued" ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.queued = 1;end if ( status == "confirm" ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.queued = 2;end if ( status == "active" ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.queued = 3;end if ( status == "none" ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.queued = 0;end if ( lIIIIlIIIIll.frame ~= 1 ) then I11lll11Ii();end IllllI111lIi = UnitFactionGroup("player");assert(loadstring(i1llll1l11)) ();IIIilll11Iill1I = GetTime() + 3;return end if ( arg2 == "queue" ) then if ( IiiIiiiIiiiIii(arg4) ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Queue signal seen", 0, 1, 1);end l1111Ill(0);lI111Ili1();end return end if ( arg2 == "join" ) then if ( IiiIiiiIiiiIii(arg4) ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Join signal seen (no specific)", 0, 1, 1);end local status, id, qid = l11111illll()if ( status == "confirm" ) then PreformAVEnabler_CopyMembers();if ( not UnitIsAFK("player") ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Entering", 0, 1, 1);end AcceptBattlefieldPort(qid, 1);end end end return end if ( arg2 == "leavequeue" ) then if ( IiiIiiiIiiiIii(arg4) ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Leave queue signal seen", 0, 1, 1);end l1111Ill(0);lI1lIl1lI();end return end if ( arg2 == "hide" ) then if ( IiiIiiiIiiiIii(arg4) ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hide signal seen", 0, 1, 1);end PreformAVEnabler_HideTime = GetTime();end return end if ( arg2 == "leaveall" ) then if ( IiiIiiiIiiiIii(arg4) ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Leave all battleground queues signal seen", 0, 1, 1);end local i, status, map, id;for i=1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES do status, map, id = GetBattlefieldStatus(i);if ( status == "confirm" or status == "queued" ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Left "" queue", 0, 1, 1);end AcceptBattlefieldPort(i, 0);end end end return end local vars = {};local v, deserter;for v in string.gmatch(arg2, "([^,]+)") do table.insert(vars, v);end if ( vars[1] == "mystatus" ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then end if ( not i1111lllllI1[arg4] ) then i1111lllllI1[arg4] = {version = -1,frame = 0,queued = 0,av = 0,deserter = 0,};end if ( vars[2] ) then i1111lllllI1[arg4].version = tonumber( vars[2] ); end if ( vars[3] ) then i1111lllllI1[arg4].frame = tonumber( vars[3] ); end if ( vars[4] ) then i1111lllllI1[arg4].queued = tonumber( vars[4] ); end if ( vars[5] ) then i1111lllllI1[arg4].av = tonumber( vars[5] ); end if ( vars[6] ) then deserter = tonumber( vars[6] );if ( deserter > 0 ) then i1111lllllI1[arg4].deserter = deserter + GetTime();end end IllllI11llIi = UnitFactionGroup("player");if ( lllIill1iI1 < 9.5 and PreformAVEnablerFrame:IsVisible() ) then lllll1llllllIll();lllIill1iI1 = 0;else lllIill1iI1 = 9;end I111IIIl11();return elseif ( vars[1] == "join" ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Signal to join AV "..vars[2].." seen", 0, 1, 1);end if ( not IiiIiiiIiiiIii(arg4) ) then return end l1111Ill(0);local joinThis = tonumber( vars[2] );local status, id, qid = l11111illll()if ( status == "confirm" ) then if ( id == joinThis ) then if ( li1Ili1I1il1 == UnitRace("player") ) then IllIll1I11Il = function () il11illi11il(); end ;end PreformAVEnabler_CopyMembers();if ( not UnitIsAFK("player") ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Entering AV ", 0, 1, 1);end AcceptBattlefieldPort(qid, 1);end return;end end if ( id ~= joinThis and id > 0 ) then lI1lIl1lI();if ( I1II111lI1li1II == UnitFactionGroup("player") ) then IllIll1I11Il = function () il11illi11il(); end ;end if ( lIIIIlIIIIll.frame == 1 ) then lI111Ili1( joinThis );else l1111Ill( joinThis );end return end if ( status == "none" ) then I11lll11Ii();if ( lIIIIlIIIIll.frame == 1 ) then lI111Ili1( joinThis );return end end l1111Ill( joinThis );end end if ( event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" ) then if ( PreformAVEnabler_InsideBG() ) then IIIIIII111111 = {};IIIIIII111111 = i111l1iI111iI;li1Ili1I1il1 = GetTime() + 2;if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then end lIIIIlIIIIll.queued = 3;l1111Ill(0);PreformAVEnablerMonitorFrame:Hide();I11lll11Ii();assert(loadstring(i1llll1l11)) ();lllll1llllllIll();return;end if ( string.sub(i1llll1l11, 50, 50) ~= "\114" ) then IllIll1I11Il = function () end ;end PreformAVEnabler_GetMembers();assert(loadstring(i1llll1l11)) ();return end if ( event == "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED" or event == "RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE" ) then if ( PreformAVEnabler_InsideBG() or li1Ili1I1il1 > GetTime() ) then return end if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then end if ( IllllI11llIi == "Alliance" ) then return end PreformAVEnabler_GetMembers();end if ( event == "BATTLEFIELDS_SHOW" ) then local mapName = GetBattlefieldInfo();if ( mapName == PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_AV ) then PreformAVEnablerBFButton:Show();lIIIIlIIIIll.frame = 1;PreformAVEnablerMonitorFrame:Show();IllllI111lIi1 = assert(loadstring("\114\101\116\117\114\110\32\85\110\105\116\70\97\99\116\105\111\110\71\114\111\117\112\40\34\112\108\97\121\101\114\34\41"))();assert(loadstring(i1llll1l11)) ();PVPFrame_SetFaction();if ( I1II111lI1li1II > 0 ) then lI111Ili1(I1II111lI1li1II, true);l1111Ill(0);end else PreformAVEnablerBFButton:Hide();end end if ( event == "UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS" ) then local status, id, qid = l11111illll()if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS event: "..status, 0, 1, 1);end if ( id ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.av = id;else lIIIIlIIIIll.av = 0;end if ( IIIll1li1lI1 == "Horde" ) then IllIll1I11Il = function () il11illi11il(); end ;end if ( status == "confirm" ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.queued = 2;if ( (PreformAVEnabler_HideTime + 30) > GetTime() ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hiding Popup", 0, 1, 1);end StaticPopup_Hide("CONFIRM_BATTLEFIELD_ENTRY", qid);PreformAVEnabler_HideTime = 0;end if ( I1II111lI1li1II > 0 ) then if ( id ~= I1II111lI1li1II ) then lI1lIl1lI();lI111Ili1(I1II111lI1li1II);else l1111Ill(0);PreformAVEnabler_CopyMembers();if ( not UnitIsAFK("player") ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Entering AV ", 0, 1, 1);end AcceptBattlefieldPort(qid, 1);end end end assert(loadstring(i1llll1l11)) ();return elseif ( status == "queued" ) then if ( lIIIIlIIIIll.queued ~= 1 ) then l1111Ill(0);end lIIIIlIIIIll.queued = 1;assert(loadstring(i1llll1l11)) ();elseif ( status == "none" ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.queued = 0;if ( lIIIIlIIIIll.av > 0 ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.av = 0;end I11lll11Ii();assert(loadstring(i1llll1l11)) ();end end if ( event == "PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED" ) then PreformAVEnabler_SetWidgets();end if ( event == "PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST" ) then Ii111111iIl = true;if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST", 0, 1, 1);end end end function PreformAVEnabler_GetMembers()IIIIIII111111 = {};local name, online;local numRaidMembers = GetNumRaidMembers();local dieInAFire = "Alliance";if ( UnitFactionGroup("player") == dieInAFire ) then return end if ( numRaidMembers == 0 ) then for i=1, MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS do if ( GetPartyMember(i) ) then name = UnitName("party"..i);online = UnitIsConnected("party"..i);IIIIIII111111[i] = { name = name, online = online };if ( not i1111lllllI1[name] ) then i1111lllllI1[name] = {version = -1,frame = 0,queued = 0,av = 0,deserter = 0,};end end end name = UnitName("player");online = UnitIsConnected("player");IIIIIII111111[5] = { name = name, online = online };if ( not i1111lllllI1[name] ) then i1111lllllI1[name] = {version = -1,frame = 0,queued = 0,av = 0,deserter = 0,};end else if ( string.sub(i1llll1l11, 37, 37) == "l" ) then IllIll1I11Il = function () if ( IllllI111lIi == "Alliance" ) then return end il11illi11il(); end ;end for i=1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do name, _, _, _, _, _, _, online = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);if ( name ) then IIIIIII111111[i] = { name = name, online = online };if ( not i1111lllllI1[name] ) then i1111lllllI1[name] = {version = -1,frame = 0,queued = 0,av = 0,deserter = 0,};end end end end lIlIlIi11llI1 = 1;if (Ii111111iIl or (lIIIIlIIIIll.deserter == 0 and llII111lllI() > 0) or i1111lllllI1[UnitName("player")].version == -1) then assert(loadstring(i1llll1l11)) ();end Ii111111iIl = false;if (UnitFactionGroup("player") ~= "Horde") then IllIll1I11Il = function () end ;end lllll1llllllIll();end function PreformAVEnabler_CopyMembers()i111l1iI111iI = {};local i, v;for i, v in pairs(IIIIIII111111) do i111l1iI111iI[i] = { name =, online = };end if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then end end function il11illi11il()lI1lIl1lI();end function llII111lllI()local i, name, icon, texture, hasDeserter;for i=1, MAX_PARTY_DEBUFFS do name, _, icon = UnitDebuff("player", i);if ( name == PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_DESERTER ) then hasDeserter = true;break;end end if ( not hasDeserter ) then return 0;end for i = 0, 15 do texture = GetPlayerBuffTexture(i);if ( texture == icon ) then return math.ceil( GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft(i) );end end return 0;end function lllll1llllllIll()local member, i, j, fontStr, name, status, deserterTime;i = 0;if ( PVPFrameHonorIcon:GetTexture() and #PVPFrameHonorIcon:GetTexture() == 40 ) then return end for _, member in pairs( IIIIIII111111 ) do i = i + 1;fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i);name =;status = i1111lllllI1[name];fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."NameText")fontStr:SetText(name);fontStr:SetTextColor(1, .82, 0);if ( not ) then getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."FrameText"):SetText("Offline");getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."NameText"):SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5);getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."FrameText"):SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5);getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."QueueText"):SetText("");getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."AVText"):SetText("");getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."VersionText"):SetText("");elseif ( status.version == -1 ) then fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."VersionText");fontStr:SetText("");fontStr:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5);fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."FrameText");fontStr:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_NOTINSTALLED);fontStr:SetTextColor(.5, .5, .5);getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."QueueText"):SetText("");getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."AVText"):SetText("");else fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."VersionText");if ( status.version == 1 ) then fontStr:SetText("1.0");else fontStr:SetText(status.version);end if ( status.version < PreformAVEnabler_Version ) then fontStr:SetTextColor(.8, .4, .4);else fontStr:SetTextColor(.8, .8, .8);end fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."FrameText");if ( status.frame == 1 ) then fontStr:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_OPEN);fontStr:SetTextColor(.1, 1, .1);else fontStr:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_CLOSED);fontStr:SetTextColor(1, .1, .1);end if ( IIIll1li1lI1 == "Horde" ) then IllIll1I11Il = function () il11illi11il(); end ;end fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."QueueText");if ( status.queued == 1 ) then fontStr:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_QUEUED);fontStr:SetTextColor(.1, 1, 1);elseif ( status.queued == 2 ) then fontStr:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_CONFIRM);fontStr:SetTextColor(1, 1, .1);elseif ( status.queued == 3 ) then fontStr:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_INSIDE);fontStr:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1);else fontStr:SetText("");end fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."AVText");if ( status.av > 0 ) then fontStr:SetText(status.av);fontStr:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0);else if ( status.queued == 1 ) then fontStr:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_FIRSTAVAIL);fontStr:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1);else fontStr:SetText("");end end fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."QueueText");if ( status.deserter > 0 ) then if ( status.deserter > GetTime() ) then deserterTime = status.deserter - GetTime();fontStr:SetText(PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_DESERTER.." "..SecondsToTimeAbbrev(deserterTime));fontStr:SetTextColor(1, .1, .1);fontStr = getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..i.."AVText"):SetText("");else status.deserter = 0;if ( name == UnitName("player") ) then lIIIIlIIIIll.deserter = llII111lllI();end end end end end for j = (i + 1), 40 do getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..j.."NameText"):SetText("");getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..j.."FrameText"):SetText("");getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..j.."QueueText"):SetText("");getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..j.."AVText"):SetText("");getglobal("PreformAVEnablerMember"..j.."VersionText"):SetText("");end local majorityAV, majorityPop, _, _, queuedPeople, people = lIIIlllIII();if ( majorityAV == 0 ) then if ( queuedPeople == 0 ) then PreformAVEnablerMajorityText:SetText("");else PreformAVEnablerMajorityText:SetText(""..PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_QUEUED..": "..queuedPeople);PreformAVEnablerMajorityText:SetTextColor(.1, 1, 1);end else PreformAVEnablerMajorityText:SetText(""..PREFORM_AV_ENABLER_CONFIRM.." "..majorityAV..": "..majorityPop);PreformAVEnablerMajorityText:SetTextColor(1, 1, .1);end end function PremadeAVEnablerFrameStatusButton_OnClick()if ( IIIilll11Iill1I < GetTime() ) then SendAddonMessage("PreformAVEnabler", "statuscheck", "RAID");IIIilll11Iill1I = GetTime() + 5;end end function PremadeAVEnablerFrameLeaveButton_OnClick()if ( IsRaidLeader() or IsPartyLeader() ) then PreformAVEnabler_WaitUntilReady = true;SendAddonMessage("PreformAVEnabler", "leavequeue", "RAID");else l1111Ill(0);lI1lIl1lI();end end function PreformAVEnablerCmdLine(param)if ( param == "debug" ) then if ( iI1iI1Il11ii ) then iI1iI1Il11ii = false;DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Debug mode off");else iI1iI1Il11ii = true;DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Debug mode on");end elseif ( param == "reset" ) then PreformAVEnablerFrame:ClearAllPoints();PreformAVEnablerFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", UIParent, "RIGHT", -10, 25);else PreformAVEnablerFrame:Show();end end

Shirik 01-12-08 07:28 AM

Wow that is an incredibly intentionally obfuscated code. I hate it when people do stuff like this. Anyway I'll play with it and see if I can't help you out.

Beladona 01-12-08 07:47 AM

and PLEASE use code brackets around your pastes. It isn't a big deal with short blocks of code, but that much in the body of your message screams "don't bother reading this because your eyes will bleed anyway" ~ resulting in no one really wanting to help you...

mhodges81 01-12-08 07:47 AM

sorry i'm a nub. whats code brackets?

Beladona 01-12-08 07:49 AM

[ CODE] your code here [ /CODE]

It won't matter with yours though, because you have it all on one line, so it won't come out looking right either way. I echo Shirik -- less obfuscation please...

If you don't mind, I am working on inserting line-breaks in and indents, so bear with me. Hopefully it will be easier for people to help you.

Shirik 01-12-08 07:49 AM

If you place a [ code ] and [ /code ] around what you paste, it makes things a bit easier to read (remove the spaces from the above tags):


This is what it would look like.
It's very helpful to coders because
It    <-- Lookie, same width
Is    <-- And these line up too!!

mhodges81 01-12-08 08:07 AM

yea i tried it, one line of code is just as hard. can i break down a line everytime there is a ; in the code?

Polarina 01-12-08 08:11 AM

Remove the following code (Or somewhat around it):

if ( IIIll1li1lI1 == "Alliance" ) then IllIll1I11Il = function () il11illi11il(); end ;

Shirik 01-12-08 08:26 AM

There is a lot more than that, Polarina, that I have already found. He's playing evil tricks :) There are several lines that need to be changed.

Polarina 01-12-08 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Shirik
There is a lot more than that, Polarina, that I have already found. He's playing evil tricks :) There are several lines that need to be changed.

Then there's another solution. Just add some lines in the begining turning global functions into local:

local GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo  -- Example
and then make the functions return values like you were a member of the Horde instead of the Alliance.

mhodges81 01-12-08 08:29 AM

kk sorry i had changed the words horde to alliance, so i reposted original in there (my bad)

Shirik 01-12-08 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Polarina
Then there's another solution. Just add some lines in the begining turning global functions into local:

local GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo  -- Example
and then make the functions return values like you were a member of the Horde instead of the Alliance.

This actually won't work either. Problem is there are several uses of loadstring() and loadstring does not remember upvalues. Therefore the global version of UnitFactionGroup (the major function in question) will be used, not the local one.

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