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todd0168 08-12-09 04:46 PM

Skada Profiles
Ok, this question goes out to all the Skada users, as well as any programmers that might understand the issue I am having and can offer solutions/suggestions.

The issue I am having is really one of convenience, not a bug or issue like that. I have switched to Skada from Omen/Recount and love it. Get everything from both in one addon. My only 'problem' (meaning I want to be lazy and not have to change what displays depending on what toon I'm on) is that when I'm on my huntard/mage/pally/lock/etc the default set up of dps on one and threat in and total damage out of combat is just fine. But on my priest (holy) I don't really give a rip about threat (seeing as how it won't even register if I'm not attacking) but would much rather have heals showing in combat and possibly even out of combat. I tried to set a profile and it just absolutely fubar'd my skada (no, not the addon, the acronym for everything going very, very wrong).

I had windows not wanting to stay in the infopane, things just getting very messy. So I quickly ditched that idea and went back to just trying to remember to change them depending on what toon I'm on. But then it dawned on my when chatting with Scott on how to get it back to normal.

nUI is basially telling skada to set up the windows a certain way on login. Is there a way to avoid this nUI override on startup and just let it load based on what the particular toon has it set up as? Or is this going to be even more annoying than just manually switching it every time I switch toons?

spiel2001 08-12-09 04:48 PM

Once nUI has told Skada what settings to use, it doesn't try to tell it again. So you should be able to just change Skada's threat to heals while you're in combat (just right click the window and change to heals) and from then on it should switch that way automatically.

todd0168 08-12-09 04:50 PM

Yeah, it does, every time I log in on any character. So lets say I'm on my healer. I set it to heals. Run my raid all fine and dandy. Then the next day I log on my mage to make some pew pew. Have to switch Skada back to threat/dmg. Log back on my healer that night to run another raid. Have to switch back to healz. What I'm hoping for is to be able to set it so that the mage always has threat/dmg and the healer always has heals. But I can't get this to work.

Xrystal 08-12-09 05:31 PM

I think thats a skada limitation. I can log onto another server totally and it will show the data for the normal server. All nUI does is assign the two sides dps or damage/threat. Skada only seems to keep one setting regardless of what class you are. I've been having to do that alot jumping from toon to toon or spec to spec.

todd0168 08-12-09 06:27 PM

Well, the reason I ask is because if you look at the menu for Skada, there is an option to set profiles. Which implies to me I can set a healing 'profile' for my healer and leave the default nUI setup for my dps. The only problem is, trying to setup the profiles seems to bork the nUI/Skada interaction and just fouls everything all to heck.

What I was hoping to find was that someone had been able to set the profiles up and not have it completely screw everything up in the process.

And my very limited programming knowledge prevents me from looking to see if it's something in the way nUI has Skada set up in the infopane.

Vis 08-12-09 07:42 PM

Got it :)

1) Go into Skada's config.
2) Create a new profile named "Healer" or whatever you would like. Ignore the borked windows.
3) Just below the create new profile box, choose to "copy from" and select "Default" or whatever yours is set to. Default is what makes all your data go with every toon no matter what one you are on.
4) /nui rl (fixes borked infopanel view of Skada)
5) Make changes to your Healer profile

Rinse and repeat for every style of view you would like. Everytime you load a new profile, you will have to /nui rl or the view of the windows will stay borked :)

Changing profiles seems to mess with nUI's control of Skada's placement since I believe placement and association with the Infopanel is only done at load.

todd0168 08-13-09 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Vis (Post 153433)
Got it :)

1) Go into Skada's config.
2) Create a new profile named "Healer" or whatever you would like. Ignore the borked windows.
3) Just below the create new profile box, choose to "copy from" and select "Default" or whatever yours is set to. Default is what makes all your data go with every toon no matter what one you are on.
4) /nui rl (fixes borked infopanel view of Skada)
5) Make changes to your Healer profile

Rinse and repeat for every style of view you would like. Everytime you load a new profile, you will have to /nui rl or the view of the windows will stay borked :)

Changing profiles seems to mess with nUI's control of Skada's placement since I believe placement and association with the Infopanel is only done at load.

Ok, so the million dollar question is...will it keep each profile per character or will I still have to switch for each one? Because if it doesn't save the profile for each character it winds up being more work. lol

I will have to test it out and see what happens.

Vis 08-13-09 04:51 AM

It should save the profile/toon association once you have it set. All I did to verify changes were made was to swap the font of one of the skada windows then log to another character. One toon had the oddball font, the other had the default :)

todd0168 08-13-09 08:14 AM

Thanks so much Vis, I could kiss you right now....but I won't. :p

spiel2001 08-13-09 09:57 AM

That was a scary moment there!


todd0168 08-13-09 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 153530)
That was a scary moment there!


I know, right?

todd0168 08-13-09 02:16 PM

Ok. I have officially tested it and Vis you are a godsend. My healer now always shows heals, and my pew pews always show threat.



Vis 08-13-09 07:24 PM

Glad I could help :)

Way 08-16-09 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Vis (Post 153606)
Glad I could help :)

Now get in game and play with me?

Vis 08-16-09 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Way (Post 154025)
Now get in game and play with me?

LOL!! The username wasn't a giveaway was it Way? Kronk and I are going to be doing some heroic outlands runs for the achievement today, you want in? You know where to find us at around 4pm server time :)

Way 08-16-09 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Vis (Post 154097)
LOL!! The username wasn't a giveaway was it Way? Kronk and I are going to be doing some heroic outlands runs for the achievement today, you want in? You know where to find us at around 4pm server time :)

4pm = I make dinner, haha.

Jekka 08-31-09 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Vis (Post 153433)
Got it :)

1) Go into Skada's config.
2) Create a new profile named "Healer" or whatever you would like. Ignore the borked windows.
3) Just below the create new profile box, choose to "copy from" and select "Default" or whatever yours is set to. Default is what makes all your data go with every toon no matter what one you are on.
4) /nui rl (fixes borked infopanel view of Skada)
5) Make changes to your Healer profile

Rinse and repeat for every style of view you would like. Everytime you load a new profile, you will have to /nui rl or the view of the windows will stay borked :)

Changing profiles seems to mess with nUI's control of Skada's placement since I believe placement and association with the Infopanel is only done at load.

I have not tried skada yet, (will d/l tonight) but I have a question that maybe someone can answer: Can it handle dual spec so that the profiles shift automatically? ie log on as ele sham = dps and change to resto = heals

todd0168 08-31-09 10:20 AM

I'm no expert, but from what I can tell you would have to switch it manually when you switch specs. It appears to be character specific, not spec specific. But you can do like I do and have a default(DPSer) and healer profile and you can just swap profiles when you swap specs. (I think)

Vis 08-31-09 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by todd0168 (Post 156933)
I'm no expert, but from what I can tell you would have to switch it manually when you switch specs. It appears to be character specific, not spec specific. But you can do like I do and have a default(DPSer) and healer profile and you can just swap profiles when you swap specs. (I think)

This looks to be 100% right :) I don't think there is a single meter type addon out there that will auto switch based on talent swapping. For 99% (a guess) of users, I would think that the meter swapping automagically wouldn't be a thought. Truth be told, I never even thought to see if a meter could do that, lol.

The only other thing to keep in mind when loading a different profile is that you will have to use "/nui rl" each time to fix the parenting of Skada to nUI.

Animorph 09-24-09 08:53 PM

ill pop my little question in this thread, i think its more or less along the same lines. Is there any way to have a 3rd window active? i'm a healer who likes to keep an eye on the dps and the threat so i can yell at em :D

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