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dugal 04-28-11 01:01 PM

graphics issues
2 Attachment(s)
I have no idea why nui would cause my graphics to loose water and images at certain camera angles but with all my addons off everything is normal. with only nui active it happens. I'm running windows 7 directx 11 ( directx 9 wasn't any better). I am using the lastest release non beta version of nui.

The first screen shot is with nui the second is without.


Edit: I have tried dell drivers and ati drivers no change

shayotan 04-30-11 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by dugal (Post 235917)
I have no idea why nui would cause my graphics to loose water and images at certain camera angles but with all my addons off everything is normal. with only nui active it happens. I'm running windows 7 directx 11 ( directx 9 wasn't any better). I am using the lastest release non beta version of nui.

The first screen shot is with nui the second is without.


Edit: I have tried dell drivers and ati drivers no change

I am having the same issues. I am also running win 7 with directx 11.

spiel2001 04-30-11 09:32 AM

Are you two playing on a Mac or a PC?

If you would, open the file [World of Warcraft > Interface > AddOns > nUI > Main > nUI.lua ] in a plain text editor and look for this line...


        WorldFrame:SetPoint( "BOTTOM", nUI_Dashboard, "CENTER", 0, 0 );
and change it to look like this...


        --WorldFrame:SetPoint( "BOTTOM", nUI_Dashboard, "CENTER", 0, 0 );
then save the file and reload WoW. Does the problem go away?

shayotan 04-30-11 10:31 AM

No :( I still see fishies swimming in the open air. though on a positive note.. the black bar did go away but the water is still missing.


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 236124)
Are you two playing on a Mac or a PC?

If you would, open the file [ World of Warcraft > Interface > AddOns > nUI > Main > nUI.lua ] in a plain text editor and look for this line...


        WorldFrame:SetPoint( "BOTTOM", nUI_Dashboard, "CENTER", 0, 0 );
and change it to look like this...


        --WorldFrame:SetPoint( "BOTTOM", nUI_Dashboard, "CENTER", 0, 0 );
then save the file and reload WoW. Does the problem go away?

shayotan 04-30-11 10:42 AM


I just went into :

graphics > effects > Liquid Detail:

and set the detail to low and BAMF the water came back.

if i set it to fair the water goes away a little, if i set it to good or higher the water disappears completely....

so i am not sure why that would start happening after patch.

spiel2001 04-30-11 11:18 AM

Yeah... unfortunately, my computer is told old and pathetic to support the advanced water features, so I have no way to test that. There have been issues in the Bliz graphics engine related to water and sky textures, but those were related to the viewports... the change I had you make removed the viewport, so if the problem didn't go away, that's not the cause.

I wish I knew what to suggest. I honestly don't know.

I'm all ears if any other users have ideas/input.

EDIT: Oh, and yeah... are you playing on a PC or a Mac?

dugal 04-30-11 02:31 PM

I haven't tried the fix yet but i'm on a Alienware m17x laptop. i'll try it tonight and post if i see a difference.


shayotan 04-30-11 03:23 PM

PC :)

Yeah odd.. My system is anything but old and slow :)


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 236136)
Yeah... unfortunately, my computer is told old and pathetic to support the advanced water features, so I have no way to test that. There have been issues in the Bliz graphics engine related to water and sky textures, but those were related to the viewports... the change I had you make removed the viewport, so if the problem didn't go away, that's not the cause.

I wish I knew what to suggest. I honestly don't know.

I'm all ears if any other users have ideas/input.

EDIT: Oh, and yeah... are you playing on a PC or a Mac?

pushee 05-01-11 08:35 PM

Running into the same issues with just nUI active. Tried the viewport change you mentioned above and the issue still arose. operating on a PC. the issue is intermittent as well. So its not like it always happens, currently happening in Throne of the Tides and wasn't before I zoned in. I rebooted my machine and the issue still existed. changed water detail to low and the issue was still causing problems.

All raid target icons appear about the middle of the mob, nameplates are below the mob. ground affects are below the ground as well.

spiel2001 05-02-11 04:58 AM


That makes no sense at all... nUI does *not* modify anything in the 3D world. The *only* change nUI makes in the 3D world is to move the bottom edge of the world frame up to the middle of the dashboard.

If you comment out the line I indicated, then that removes the only tweak nUI makes in the 3D world. You should be able to confirm that by pressing Alt-Z to remove the UI elements from the screen... then you should *not* see the black bar at the bottom of the screen. That means the viewport has been removed and nUI has changed *nothing* in the 3D world.

Name plates, sky and water textures, raid icons, etc. are *all* elements created and managed by Blizzard and unmodified by nUI. How and why they would be "moved" because nUI is loaded is a complete mystery to me.

I wonder if this is related to UI scaling? Maybe, for giggles, go to your video settings menu and make sure the option to use UI scaling is turned off and see if that fixes the problem.

spiel2001 05-02-11 03:58 PM

Okay, I've fed this issue up the food chain and the folks in Blizz's engine development team have a few questions to anyone and everyone who is having this problem...


We need more information regarding this.
  • Does it happen with multisampling enabled or disabled?
  • Is it in DX9 or DX11?
  • What graphics card is used?
  • A gx.log would be nice.

So... if everyone who is having this problem could answer those questions for me, I would very much appreciate it. I will collect it all and pass it back up the food chain.

You can find your gx.log file in your [ World of Warcraft > Logs ] folder. Just use the paperclip icon in your message editor when you reply to upload your log file with your message or scroll down the message editor page to the "Manage Attachments" button.


pushee 05-02-11 06:34 PM

Just got home running my initial first random but I will test that stuff out and then reply with all relevant info. Love the UI just want it to work as intended! :D

pushee 05-02-11 07:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Changed the UI to no scaling and still have the issue. I am standing outside of Throne of the Tides and not having any issues. The moment I zone in everything is going to as mentioned previously. Not sure what info they require about the gx log but I logged out inside of Throne of the Tides with the issue occurring.

Multisampling is at 8x
DX 9
ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series
gx.txt should be attached

Edited due to dx 9 being selected under the api options as opposed to dx 11. Testing now with dx 11.

Same results with DX 11.


Edit 400 or so...

Changed the viewport back to not being used and the issue is now resolved with dx11.

Unsure what caused the issue to not be resolved yesterday, as nothing has changed other than dx11.

Belgarius 05-03-11 03:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Same issues here as the others. Also seems to effect spell effects, at least those of weapons, for instance, on my DK, the effect on his sword is located downwards from the actual weapon, but only when facing water from a certain distance... weird. Turning away from the water returns the weapon effect to it's proper location.

Multisampling at 1X
Happens both with DX9 and DX11
MSI Radeon 5770 Hawk (mild factory OC'd card)
Running on PC

Edited to add:

I've only noticed this happening in Cata areas, specifically, Uldum. I can't recall seeing it in Twilight Highlands, but admittedly, haven't spent much time there yet. This doesn't appear in any of the old world areas with large bodies of water that I have discovered to date, nor in Outland, or Northrend. Seems to be localized from my observations to Uldum in particular, if that has any bearing.

Also, I have noticed another peculiar thing, along with the weapon effects shifting. If I move my camera downwards, the effect goes back where it belongs, but... the circles that appear underneath NPCs also appear and disappear along with the effect, as do floor items, such as rugs and ground clutter. This also happens when shifiting viiews right and left.

To my untrained mind, it does look as though something has changed with the way the viewport is being rendered, and my guess is that it is (at least for me) limited to the Uldum areas. Pretty much all bodies of water, as well as the rivers are being affected by this.

spiel2001 05-03-11 05:16 PM

Thank you both for the detailed posts!

If anyone else can provide detail for their systems that are experiencing this problem, it would help the folks at Blizz, I'm sure.

Tealc 05-03-11 10:08 PM

Think it is definitely an issue with the game and not any addons, similar to what happened in 4.0 with water detail and viewports.

There is a thread on the wow forums with a blue reply and I have posted by details over there.

pushee 05-04-11 06:37 PM

Well looks like we found the culprit!

evlyxx 05-05-11 10:12 AM

I too have had this issue and reported it on the EU forums. However, with a bit of research, messing around it seems to be the CTViewport that breaks it. I have SunnArt and the viewport on that works just great in Uldum but fails in Throne of the Tides

Cadalie 05-06-11 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 236124)
Are you two playing on a Mac or a PC?

If you would, open the file [ World of Warcraft > Interface > AddOns > nUI > Main > nUI.lua ] in a plain text editor and look for this line...


        WorldFrame:SetPoint( "BOTTOM", nUI_Dashboard, "CENTER", 0, 0 );
and change it to look like this...


        --WorldFrame:SetPoint( "BOTTOM", nUI_Dashboard, "CENTER", 0, 0 );
then save the file and reload WoW. Does the problem go away?

I made this change did a /nui rl and it seemed to take care of the issue for me at least inUldum and over the damn.

Accordingly it appears from the Blizz forumns that this is related to viewports.

spiel2001 05-07-11 07:36 AM

Yeah... I kind of figured as much... that change removed nUI's viewport and, thus, the problem went away.

Looks like Blizz fixed the problem in most of the world for the 4.1 patch but missed a couple of areas.

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