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Lunos13 05-11-09 06:26 AM

repositioning cast player and target bars
Hi I just started using nUI and would like to thank you for the superb job on it :)

I have one request though. can the cast the middle elements of the HUD (player cast bar, target cast bar and the player auras on target bar) be repositioned vertically?

I ask this because I play in a 1920*1080 screen and the middle cast bars are squeezed to the middle and overlap my character. I want to move the "Target Castbar" upwards and the "Player Castbar" and "Player Auras on Target Bar" downwards. I tired to position it using the new HUD offset slash command but then both the lower and upper elements move up or down. I am also getting the issue where the "Player Castbar" overlaps the "Player Auras on Target Bar". (i think its a complication of my 19020*1080 resolution again)

I have programming experience so if you could tell me how to manually set those elements i should be able to do it :)

Thanks heaps for the great work again.

spiel2001 05-11-09 07:45 AM

All of the HUD element layouts are defined in [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > HUDLayouts > {hud mode} ] -- Since you have programming background, once you look at those files it should be apparent what you need to do once you're there. If you have questions after you look at the files, let me know.

Lunos13 05-11-09 08:24 AM

thanks for the quick reply. worked like a treat. Any chance of getting this functionality as a slash function in a future version so we don't have to manually change it after each patch?:)

spiel2001 05-11-09 08:32 AM

No... not as a slash command... I'm in the process of building in support for custom layouts and such which will address that need. If you search the forum for "custom layouts" you'll find lots of comments on the subject.

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