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Moonpool 03-19-09 06:05 AM

Cast bar in seconds rather than %?
Can't seem to find this as an option. Had a huge argument with my hunters last night over haste and had to reload quartz to confirm I was right about haste and steady shot because the buggers wouldn't believe me.

If it's there can you point me how to do it and if it's not, can it be added to the queue for potential fixes?

Getting used to the hud and I can see i'm never going to be able to live without it once I do...the range finder is awesome, you can tell you play a hunter mainly which makes this hunter very very happy :)

I had trouble locating my debuffs on 4 horseman the other night (was healing so its hard to look). Never did find them but probably just a stress problem and it being my first raid with nui on.

so far that's it :)

spiel2001 03-19-09 06:26 AM

For now the only fix to your cast bar is this...

Hope that helps, sorry there's not a more convenient way to do it.

Hakana4155 03-19-09 11:31 AM


I had trouble locating my debuffs on 4 horseman the other night (was healing so its hard to look). Never did find them but probably just a stress problem and it being my first raid with nui on.
The debuffs that are on you are to the left of your health bar in the HUD. At least that where I see them. I'm using the Health/Energy mode setting for my HUD. Hope this helps.

Moonpool 03-19-09 03:57 PM

ok, can it be broken down into tenths of a second? I have it currently showing whole seconds only?

sorry to be a pest I wish I understood lua enough to do this myself.


spiel2001 03-19-09 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Moonpool (Post 120944)
ok, can it be broken down into tenths of a second? I have it currently showing whole seconds only?

sorry to be a pest I wish I understood lua enough to do this myself.


It should automatically break down to 1/10th second intervals as soon as it falls under 1 second... or was that 2 seconds?

Moonpool 03-19-09 05:41 PM

I am only seeing whole seconds in the cast bar under my feet in the HUD

spiel2001 03-19-09 05:52 PM

Okay... I just went back and looked and now realize that casting bars are the exception for my timers... they don't show tenths like the rest of the timers do. I've modified the code in the PTR beta... it will be in the next update.

In the meantime, if you want to twiddle it yourself, edit the file [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Units > nUI_UnitCasting.lua ] and go to line 1014 to make the change I've highlighted in yellow here...


    if cast_info and then

        local pct = ("%0.0f%%"):format( cast_info.pct_time * 100 );
        local max = ("%0.0f"):format( cast_info.max_time );
        local cur = ("%0.01f"):format( cast_info.cur_time );
        local lbl = cast_info.spell_name;

Moonpool 03-20-09 02:19 PM

you rock, tyvm

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