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Aengdar 10-26-08 05:00 AM

Hello again everyone,

I like Blizzard's default UI, but I find myself running out of space - my priest's action bars are pretty much full after the patch, and my Druid has just filled up his cat form stance bar completely (with more abilities to learn as he levels up).

A full UI replacement is a bit too big a step outside my comfort zone. ;)

As a solution, I've been working on an ActionBar mod for a while, and now that I've run out of space I've made an effort to finish it. It enables an extra ActionBar (that reacts to page and stance changes) on the right side of the main bar, replacing the menu icons (and optionally the bag icons).

To save space, I've moved the menu icons and access to bags to two icons on the minimap. It also has some other convenience features I found myself wanting when playing the game.

You can find it here:

It hasn't received a great deal of testing, so if anyone has any problems give me a shout here or in a comment on the mod.

As always, hope you find it useful! :)

Aengdar 10-26-08 11:12 AM

Just uploaded a bufix release (buttons weren't being updated properly in combat if you had an action on one stance and an empty slot in the same place on another). Whoops!

Apologies for any inconvenience, let me know if anyone spots any other issues!

Aengdar 10-27-08 04:04 PM

Another update!

This time I've split the stance change functionality into another bar that is attached to Blizzard's in-stance 'bonus' bar. When you're in a stance, this bar will slide in, and when you're not in a stance, it'll slide out again. Though note that Warriors are always in a stance. Both in-stance and out-of-stance bars support the extra action pages.

The good thing about this update (other than the cool sliding I get for free from Blizzard ;)) is that the two bars can be enabled and disabled independently. If like me you're running out of space in cat form, but would rather have the micro buttons than a long swathe of empty slots in caster form, this is the update for you.


Aengdar 12-01-08 03:28 PM

Thanks everyone who has commented and submitted bug reports for this mod. It's really useful to get this feedback!

You may be pleased to hear that I have released version 1.5, which fixes an annoying bug that prevented the extra action buttons from updating when you logged on, and also adds the ability to freely reposition the minimap buttons so they don't overlap any of your other mods.

I hope you all find it useful!

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