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FaulTier 10-10-10 05:52 AM

DogTag within 4.0.1
Hello everyone!
In order to make my Interface ready, i'm testing and conigurating severel AddOns on the PTR.

I'm done with kgPanels, Omen, Recount, etc.
But right now, there two things i really need to get work:
I'm Using PitBull4 (latest Alpha) for the UnitFrames and it seems that the DogTag-Text function is broken, because no Indicator like [Name] etc works and i'm not willing to learn lua. Is there a way to fix it?
Second is that SatrinasBuffFrames shows nothing. If i say nothing, i mean nothing.
Any complains?

Greetz, Faultier

FaulTier 10-10-10 09:16 AM

No one got a clue? :/

Vis 10-10-10 09:48 AM

This may help. It's a quote from the comments at the page for Pitbull4.


The default for texts is LuaTexts. You will need to go under Modules to turn Dogtags on and turn LuaTexts off. If you haven't done so... that's why you are getting an error.

FaulTier 10-10-10 09:57 AM

thats the first thing i've done :/

Vis 10-10-10 12:46 PM

Did you read any of the other comments from the link I posted? Some have said they had to install the latest Dogtags alpha/beta seperately for things to work. I would also recommend looking at the forum specific to Pitbull4 that is linked on their page if posting in their comments does not help.

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