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0Blackmage0 09-28-07 09:30 PM

Genesis UI Suggestion/Help Thread
Genesis Support Forums

These forums are for the support of the users of genesis widescreen\fullscreen.

Upcomming in future releases, an FAQ from questions in this forum will be included in the UI to make it quicker for users to find the solution to their problem without haveing to alt tab or even turn the game off. Also im working on streamlining the setup of the full compilation, including in and out of game setup.

Update on October 17th, Beta Release to make Ui usable while full version is under construction
Update on October 19th, Beta 2 release. This will probably be a full release version.

Removed the "?" macro -> should be all good on base install now
Changed alot of addons to work with WOTLK
Updated art and moved the minimap to bottom panel
Fixed the "?" thing for all your items
probably a few more that i forgot

Niktik 10-14-07 08:36 AM

I like you Interface
the text and all is small and i don't want to make it bigger or it just wouldn't fit right (i think lol)

anyways i found a bug...
The pet bar is at the bottom with like 2 or 3 other bars so pet bar need to be moved or the other bar(s)
i think ;)

Emelisa 11-13-07 04:54 PM

I really like your interface. However after I install it I get continuous error messages, as well as a white background behind the chat interface. Is there a solution? I'm no programmer so I have no idea what these messages mean.

Harrynutz 11-13-07 04:58 PM

Error found after loading packages
Says "Systemmessagecontroltool/systemmessagecontroltool.lua:90 bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)

Any way to fix this? Also, I put my resolution to 1280x1064 and the chat boxes turned can I fix this?

All in all the UI is nicely put together, good job :)

If tweaked some more, it might even come close to beating mazzle :P

Also, same error but with 186 instead of 90 fyi

Emelisa 11-13-07 05:42 PM

Okay, figured out the system message control tool error. Go to your addons and disable the viper message control addon. Phanx chat won't have that white background anymore but it still does give an error message. It appears to be showing me all my messages now and hasn't given me any more error messages besides the first.

You might as well disable cartographer for now. I don't think there's an update out yet for this new version.

Harrynutz 11-13-07 07:29 PM

Sweet thanks :D

Harrynutz 11-13-07 08:17 PM

Ok now i need to know how do I make the profile for my alts? :p

Emelisa 11-13-07 09:05 PM

I don't know since I haven't tried it, but I would THINK the only thing you need to do is copy the files in the YOUR CHARACTER NAME HERE folder from the original UI folder into the WTF folder of one of your alts. That would mean your character would have the default settings. If thats okay, it'd probably work. You could even try to copy the character folder you already have customized and rename it to your alt, for the saved variables. I don't know how that would affect key bindings for specific abilities though. I'm no expert.

Harrynutz 11-13-07 09:10 PM

Thanks hun, will try that :)

ANovelHero 11-13-07 09:32 PM

I installed it correctly. From what I know, and all the addons are outdated and the interface don't even load.

i'm just gonna wait to use UI's until all the bugs are kinked out.

Emelisa 11-13-07 10:24 PM

It works alright on mine. a few errors here and there but other than that its fine. MOST addons are out of date right after a patch comes out, just check the load out of date addons on your options menu if you want to see it.

Other than a few quirks, its a very promising UI compilation, though I must confess I did add a few mods that I can't live without. :)

destros 11-14-07 04:07 AM

very promising ui.... I just need to figure out how to move trinity bars around so that they line up for my needs. My card doesn't support your resolution.. i get close but the bars are all in the wrong spots

Emelisa 11-14-07 06:27 AM

Well as for moving the bars, you can access the trinity UI options by hitting escape. There's a button there on the menu now. On the menu that comes up, I hit the Trinity Core and told it to put an icon on the mini map. And on that icon there is a button to put you into config mode.

Now you can just click the bars and move them all around where you want them, and add buttons and stuff. When you're done you can just hit that config mode button again and you're back to normal.

You can do key bindings with trinity too. The easiest way I've found was to hit the 'P' button and toggle the option at the top of the page. You can hover over a button and then hit the keys that you want to bind it to.

Hope that helps!

0Blackmage0 11-14-07 07:10 AM

More resolutions and a complete Update
Alright, im sorry for the various errors that were in the 3.5 release, that was my mistake. the 3.5.1 release should have that all covered, i was short on time because of real life things (Thats all sorted out now), By november 16th there will be another release that will have all the addons up to date (so you will not have to check load out of date addons) and i plan on adding probably another 2 resolution sizes.

1280 X 1024 - seems to be the major one
1440 X (whatever it is) - another very asked for one

if anyone has any more sizes let me know and i will see what i can do

P.S. - I cannot do anything larger then 1650 X 1080, sorry :)

Also im still accepting suggestions and thoughts for improvment

Harrynutz 11-14-07 10:01 AM

Also Blackmage with the new updated version, will that include for alts as well? Cause when I tried another alt, the screen was all screwed up. Greatly appreciate the time you are putting into this :)

Emelisa 11-14-07 06:59 PM

Another question. Is there a way to tell it not to automatically collect all my mail? The only reason I ask is because I remember getting all those COD emails and I'm really leery of automatically accepting things I don't know of and losing all my cash, lol.

0Blackmage0 11-14-07 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Emelisa
Another question. Is there a way to tell it not to automatically collect all my mail? The only reason I ask is because I remember getting all those COD emails and I'm really leery of automatically accepting things I don't know of and losing all my cash, lol.

Im not sure if it auto accepts COD payments, but to disable the auto mail collection simply go to the Lunar sphere mod and disable it (to access Ctrl + click the sphere)


Originally Posted by Harrynutz
Also Blackmage with the new updated version, will that include for alts as well? Cause when I tried another alt, the screen was all screwed up. Greatly appreciate the time you are putting into this :)

As for alts, i can see waht i can do, i have heard of a few setup issues with that. I will see what i can do to improve that, it might just come down to me adding more character folders thats all eg....

and so on

Emelisa 11-15-07 09:43 PM

I just tried it today. I just created another folder with the alts name and copied all the files inside of my main's into it. Worked like a charm, settings for the mod-wise. The main and the alt were the same type of character tho. Didn't try it on a different class but I'd assume it'd work fine.

0Blackmage0 11-15-07 10:52 PM

New Release Features
The new release will contain the following:

- Fully Updated addons
- 9 Character folders labled by class
- Class specific Trinity Options (warrior, Rouge, ect)
- New Resolution (1280 X 1024) Sorry guys, if you want the 1440 X 900 (or whatever it is) then i cant help, its not one of the options in my video tab.
- Also a few new arrangments

The Other resolution will be delayed a bit, probably till saterday or sunday, sorry :)

Kuruptthps 11-17-07 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Niktik
I like you Interface
the text and all is small and i don't want to make it bigger or it just wouldn't fit right (i think lol)

anyways i found a bug...
The pet bar is at the bottom with like 2 or 3 other bars so pet bar need to be moved or the other bar(s)
i think ;)

probaly just some setting lol

Just wondering, does this interface support Non-wide screen?

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