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Marauder_IIc 08-22-11 08:17 PM

Question and request
I am using the current version of NUI 5.XX
Both of my questions revolve around PVP,an more specifically arenas.

1. In the Blizzard UI, you can see the other arena team through basically an opposing team bar. Before they are all visible, you get the outlines basically showing there is another team member who is currently not been seen, like a Rogue or Feral. Is there any functionality of that nature within nUI, so I can see their whole team? Largely so I can quickly identify the status of their team, as well as use static macros for arenas like:
/cast [@arena1] Blind
/cast [@arena2] Blind
/cast [@arena3] Blind
Among some others aside from just Blind.

I do not necessarily mean to have them all pulled out of the UI onto the main scree, but within the UI as a feature for Arenas. Is this supported and/or is it possible?
Or even having them show their arena number.

2. Second question/suggestion. Due to the volume of actions plus buffs/debuffs, is there a means of having a seperate debuff bar similar to the buff bar you have in the lower left natively. That would be ideal as it is hard to catch the little icons on the HUD during an arena (at least for my eyes anymore).

If either of thesae functions are already here, please, let me know where I missed them at.


spiel2001 08-24-11 03:33 PM

Unfortunately, arena is one area where nUI5 is very much lacking... something I am trying to address in 6, but not yet available. So, no... sorry.

With regard to the debuff icons, you can edit the layout file and create them. You would want to copy the ["Aura"] "help" section's options from the [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > UnitPanels > Solo > nUI_UnitSkin_Solo_Player.lua ] to the "harm" ["Aura"] section in [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > HUDLayouts > PlayerTarget > nUI_HUDSkin_PlayerTarget_Player.lua ] -- just change the options, not the anchor and make sure you leave "harm" unchanged

It may take some tweaking, but that should get you started.

Marauder_IIc 08-25-11 05:14 PM

Is there plans to enable this type of functionality in nUI 6? If not, can it be put on the table for consideration, as it would help[ us arena whores :)

spiel2001 08-25-11 05:34 PM

It absolutely is planned for 6.

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