Thread: Nerd Rage
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09-04-08, 06:47 PM   #4
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 View Post
The people who would make such statements also think that being inconsiderate is acceptable when it comes to the internet. They are also usually the first to cry foul/petition/toss a major fit when someone does it to them.

Your not wrong for being upset. It was simply inconsiderate of them. They probably thought it was funny and i would bet they hoped you would say something. While they accuse of you 'taking things too seriously' they took no consideration at all.

There arent any real solutions sadly. Trying to reason with them wont work since they will just continue to do it anyway. Ignoring it wont make you feel any better and drive you crazy in the process.

I personally just play with close friends or solo in very unpopular areas. It make go slower for me but i avoid the numbskulls.

Its a shame really that we have to do that. Altho its been nice just chillin' with my close friends. I still miss meeting new people like i used to. Its good to see someone thinks about this in the same way I do. Too bad you don't play on my server other wise id say hey join "Little Pink Pwnies" lol. Our group of 8ish people play together all the time and help each other out when ever possible and so far have never disagreed on anything. Im hoping we can get some more constructive folks on our server with the new expansion comming out.

It just felt good to get that off my chest tonight I appreciate you reading through the wall o text.
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