Thread: Nerd Rage
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09-05-08, 02:35 PM   #13
A Cliff Giant
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 77
Eh, I just wish Blizz would go back to policeing the servers. They dumped things like the trade channel and said that spammers and non trade related conversations would go away in time but it hasn't. Every day on our server it get's worse and worse tbh. I thought for the longest time that it was ridiculous to leave the trade channel, But recently left on 2 of my toons. It's not there for trade at all. Most of the ppl trying to sell things are just using a mod to spam 3 lines of recipe links which obliterates any other conversation i'm trying to keep up with in my 12 line chat window. Everything else is "I got AtlaslootEnhanced! lookatme! and back and forth spam that's 80% of the time ppl trading insults about each other. Looking forward to the day that the Trade channel get's it's own LFG type interface, and a block on the drivel based yakking going on now.
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