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10-17-08, 11:04 AM   #165
A Defias Bandit
Tone's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 2
Hi there,

I had a few questions that I was hoping the Macaroon community might be able to help with. I couldn't find anything in the FAQ or other documentation, but I apologize if I missed my questions already being answered elsewhere.

1. The first question is about button modifiers in macros. I've been trying to use macros that activate different spells based on left or right click. Here's an example:

/cast [target=party1] [button:1] Abolish Poison; [button:2] Remove Curse

This macro targets a party member and cleanses either poison or curse depending on left or right click. I've used these kinds of macros successfully in the past, but Macaroon doesn't seem to pass the [button:x] info when I click (it would cast Abolish Poison no matter which button I click with). I know that Macaroon lets you set a predefined target for right-clicks in the Config, but is there any way to have Macaroon buttons simply run standard macro syntax like my example above?

2. My second question is related to what Malsis asked above (about manually showing and hiding bars). Is there a way to send Macaroon commands to specific bars in the command line? Something like:

/mac hidden "bar 2" false

Because if so, I would imagine you could put that command onto a macro button and just click it when you wanted to hide the bar (or keybind it as Malsis wanted).

3. My last question is just a silly, minor one: is it possible to set a macro button to have no icon at all? Sometimes there's no particular icon that makes sense with a macro, and I'd rather just have the macro name with no background icon. Not a big deal, but I just thought I'd ask.
