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10-17-08, 01:19 PM   #167
The Shadows Beckon...
Dragonsblaze's Avatar
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 31
Wth... I make a bar, set its target to focus, set the custom state to focustarget,exists , yet when my focus has a target, it does nothing. I try [target=focustarget,exists] , again nothing (keep in mind when I do this, in edit mode, over the bar it says:

Bar 1 - [target=focustarget,exists] homestate (not indexed)
Bar 1 - focustarget,exists homestate (not indexed)

So I try just target=focustarget,exists

Now it says:
Bar 1 - target=focus,exists homestate (not indexed)


I'm trying to set my multiboxing back up -.-

I'ma tinker around with it some more, but help would be appreciated alot.

Edit: I'm trying to do this:


Bartender Setup

The bartender setup is detailed here but the brief overview is as follows.
Open bartender's configuration by typing /bt3 config.
Expand the bar you want to setup for spells and click on "button paging"
Set this to "Advanced"
Click "Edit States"
Add a new state
For condition put target=focustarget,exists
For unit put focustarget

You can do this for 1 bar, or 10 bars, I normally just have one that is handled this way, I dont waste "targetless" spells on it, such as totems, etc. The way this works is that if you have a focus who has a target you'll automatically assist them, if not, you'll just cast the spell as normal. Makes it useful to play solo or grouped.


But with Macaroon. Help

Last edited by Dragonsblaze : 10-17-08 at 01:32 PM.