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11-09-08, 07:14 AM   #11
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Hehe, the tag system on git is incomplete. It currently doesn't do OnShow updating, and it's API is not set in stone yet.

To use the new tag system you currently have to do:
self:Tag(self.Name, '[name]') -- after that oUF will handle all updating.

But! Tags currently don't update during the "full" update oUF does when a unit changes on a frame, or a frame is shown. You could ofc handle this yourself and run: self.Name:UpdateTag(), but that's pretty hackish, and the gain isn't that large.

So what I would recommend to do is just wait for 1.3 to be released. There are a couple of larger changes that I want to push into the release first however. And there will probably be a 'incompatibilities with 1.2' guide before that also.

The easiest route is usually just to stick with the stable releases. Or at least wait until I update my own layouts to work with current git.

(haha, guess who forgot to click submit reply!)