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01-21-09, 01:55 PM   #2459
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by Marthisdil View Post
If you had read any of the documentation/notes/whatever on the page you downloaded nUI from, it clearly states that there are no 15/25/40 man raid windows yet. (I really need to macro this answer as it keeps coming up). You would need to use Grid (or something similar).
Reading the above made me think of an interim solution... while waiting for the expanded Raid windows to be completed, would it be possible to add a blank section to the party window section? i.e. Player->Party->10man->Blank

That way we could configure Grid (or something similar) to sit in the same spot as our normal party frames, and free up some display space on the main screen.

I'm not sure if this would be an easy thing to implement, but it should at least cut down on how many times you need to repost the above message :-)