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04-10-09, 10:14 AM   #44
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 7
Hi Scott,

Just wanted to dog pile on this thread.

I recently loaded the latest version on nUI + (yeah, I deleted my interface and WTF folders first).

I logged in... got everything set up (action buttons and what not). And promptly joined a Winter Grasp raid. I experienced a dramatic loss in performance. I managed to stutter my way through the event but was left with a WTF just happened feeling. Since upgrading my computer I have not had any performace issues, even with my old UI configuration (trust me... a lot of individual mods).

My goal in switching to nUI was to clean up the mess that passed for an Interface folder and IMPROVE my game performance.

I am sorry to report that I had to remove nUI+ and revert back to my old UI configuration. My performance issues did not exist pre-nUI and they went away after removing nUI. I am an active raider and can not afford these types of performance issues.

I truly you can figure out what is going on. Maintaining my hodge podge group of mods can be tiresome.

Last edited by Dethstalker : 04-10-09 at 10:19 AM.