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04-14-09, 04:36 AM   #9
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 16
Originally Posted by StolenLegacy View Post
You don't get the point.
Curse and WoWI use tons of bandwith to provide addon updates to their users. They need to pay for that bandwith somehow, and they do so by displaying ads on the download pages of addons. What Wowmatrix does is circumvent these download pages by "hotlinking", e.g. linking directly to the files inside the curse/wowi servers. Now, you might ask, why are the sites' own updaters, most notably the curse client, different? Because the sites can put ads in there, too, thus can use that income to pay for the bandwith they use. If you support WoWmatrix, you support making Curse/WoWI bankrupt, and that would also mean no more addons quickly available to you.

stolenlegacy, addon author.
I believe I get the point quite clearly, as demonstrated in the very block of text you quoted. For your convenience:

I have never, and will never, argue that WowMatrix's method was the correct one - I'm, believe it or not, on the side of the site maintainers in that regard, as the owner of a moderately popular site of some variety myself. Hotlinking denies them the ad revenue they'd receive from visits.

My point is solely this: I cannot understand why the addon authors, who have no stake in WoWInterface or Curse, are so vehemently against alternate means of getting their addons.
If the only argument addon authors made was the concern about WoWI/Curse, sure, I'd be onboard. The argument brought up more often than not from what I've seen, though, is the mod author's rights.

I think some of this is anger/fallout about the changes to the Blizzard UI policy regarding donations (another common complaint - They can't see my donation buttons!), directed at a target they can actually do something to.
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