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04-14-09, 02:12 PM   #169
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 6
First time poster who started off by thinking "What a bunch of jerks." Reading the thread, my views have changed. Here are some of my thoughts based on what I read:

Seems to me the issue for most of those pissed at Curse and WoWInterface is that they are blocking an application which does the job well in updating.

Unfortunately, Curse isn't helping the case much. On WoWInsider, their representative is basically saying "Use our downloader," while ignoring the issues which make their downloader so unpopular.

The admins/mods here at least explain their position well. I personally was unaware of the fact that WM was contacted and refused to deal, and that their program hit the site so hard.

I would recommend perhaps giving your official explanation to sites like WoWInsider for the short term. I mean, *I* didn't know of these issues, and I bet a lot of people who are like me did not know either of the hardship WM causes. On sites like WoWInsider, the apologists for your sites are giving some "dumbed down" explanations which sound more like excuses than the valid reasons I saw here.

In the long term, you guys need a better updater. The fact that WoWInterface doesn't work, and Curse's is largely viewed as little more than malware is causing a great deal of ill-will among the WoW gamers. From the user perspective, WM works extremely well, and we want something like that. hell, even something that worked 80% as well would be good enough.

I'm guessing the dropping the bomb on WM the day before the patch was self-defense for your bandwidth. Fair enough. But timing was bad and us end-users who don't manage websites don't know your problems and it is bad for us. (Remember we are people who treat it as a war atrocity when Blizz is late bringing the game back up after a patch).

TL: DR version:
1) Short term - explain your reasons better on sites like WoWInsider
2) Please, for the love of God, make a better downloader program we can use.

Last edited by JediExcel : 04-14-09 at 02:14 PM.
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