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04-23-09, 07:32 AM   #11
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Originally Posted by us2006027321 View Post
I will caution you here the same way I did on your forums: professionalism, respect, and kindness will do far more to further your cause (in this case, your software) than condescension and rudeness.

"But, I wasn't being condescending or rude..."

You most certainly were. The only reason I've recently checked out WI or CC is because they have done something that directly affects me. That doesn't make my voice any less important in the din of support and dissent for either side that is being simultaneously thrust into the debate. Your comment makes it seem as though I have no right to express an opinion, because from your perspective, I'm a "Johnny-come-lately" on the scene. I take that attitude to be exremely arrogant and unnecessary, and I'm not so sure it makes me willing to give you so much as a second glance except to note what I don't like about you or your software.
While I'm not Kaetlen, and cannot speak for him (or her?), I personally think that observation was perfectly valid, whether it hurts your feelings or not. I don't know if you have been following this thread, but one of the common arguments WoWMatrix supporter like to throw out there, is that WoWMatrix actually generates more revenue for WoWI/Curse by users visiting through the "Visit addon page" or whatever the link is called. The fact that 99% of the WoWMatrix supporters in this thread created an account right after this happened, hints pretty strongly that the argument is invalid.

As for your other questions you might have a look here:

Edit: Opp, looks like that thread is now closed (though it probably still awnsers some of your questions). The new forum specifically for the WoWI updater is:

I'm sure Cairenn will give you a response too.

Last edited by Vyper : 04-23-09 at 07:36 AM.
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