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05-01-09, 04:00 PM   #1068
Giver of walls of text :)
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Originally Posted by Tekkub View Post
Cyclops' physics never made sense to me, his eyeblasts burn AND have force... okey, sure... now, why do his eyelids not burn off? And why don't his glasses blow off (the "casual" ones, not his big wrap around headset). And why is it that everyone that somehow gets his power from him can control it, but he can't?
It's because both he and his brother are immune to their own powers.

That's why you see Cyclops and Havok having titanic battles in the comics ...yet they walk away unscathed. It's like a gigantic pissing contest for them - they know each can not harm the other yet they go out at just for kicks.

Cyclops can't control his power because of brain damage he suffered from falling out of a plane when he was younger. It was the same incident where he was seperated from both his brother and his parents (who faked their own death to frolick over to johnny buzz buzz alien land).
tuba_man on Apple test labs : "I imagine a brushed-aluminum room with a floor made of keyboards, each one plugged into a different test box somewhere. Someone is tasked with tossing a box full of cats (all wearing turtlenecks) into this room. If none of the systems catch fire within 30 minutes, testing is complete. Someone else must remove the cats. All have iPods." (
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