Thread: Lagbuster
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05-31-09, 02:23 PM   #7
Redwood Elf
An Aku'mai Servant
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Run into a bit of a brick preparation for adding a GUI with clickable options, I started encapsulating the slash command options into functions, as you can see in this pastey file.

However, the slash command promptly stopped working, and I'm not sure why. The if...elseif is working (I put printouts in each one just to be sure) but for some reason, the functions aren't working.

Anyone out there with more lua programming experience who can spot what's causing the function calls to not work?

edit: To be more precise, the slash command just doesn't call the functions in side the elseif blocks...

Edit Too: Found the error...was trying to save all the variables with a single ##SavedVariables directive, but it was simply nilling out the whole data structure, methods and just need to figure out better how to save the variables so any changes the user makes are persistant from session to sesson...

Last edited by Redwood Elf : 05-31-09 at 05:25 PM.
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