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06-04-09, 12:08 PM   #1437
Little Bird
Lyrebyrd's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 6
Thank you, Cairenn. Seriously, truly, thank you. It's about bloody time you finally snapped and told all the trolls, flamers, and willingly ignorant people to shut up or go away. And it's about time that you've proven you're a human being who can be hurt, who can be pushed over the line, and who will eventually tell everyone where to go and how to get there. I've kept my mouth shut for this entire period as much as I could, because every time someone tries to be reasonable and civilized, they become a target of insults and have their words twisted and skewed beyond recognition. I've debated, I've argued in a civilized manner. This thread and others like it haven't been that. This is the kind of argument where one person doesn't care about all the points you put up, and just continually make everyone come away wanting to hit something or someone.

The staff here have put up with so much trying to stay professional and allow others to have their say. I work retail, and I deal with customer abuse - but at least when it gets bad, I can call my supervisor or manager and get them to kick the abusive customer out. You people aren't even customers, and you've effectively been getting away with abusing every person in the store up to and including the store manager. Has it occurred to a single one of you that all you've succeeded at doing is a) upsetting perfectly decent people and b) portraying yourselves as being the half-witted inbred cousins of the scum of the internet world? Because you're not actually criminals, but you come off as rude, willingly ignorant (I've used it before, I'll use it again, because in my mind willful ignorance is worse than stupidity), and completely lacking in any kind of common sense or ability to be anything more than yet another mindless troll. The difference between you and people who usually get banned is that you become even more obnoxious about how they're 'just proving your point' when they simply enforce the rules and make you shut up.

Deal with it. The authors are not obligated to do anything. They have the right to do with their addons as they please. The staff and community of this forum (and all the other applicable ones) are not obligated to take the abuse you've heaped on them regardless of all civilized manners that your mother should have taught you as a child but somehow missed. And you know what? Get a damned dictionary. After you've spell-checked all those miserable excuses for posts that have shown up, look up rape. And if that doesn't tell you just how serious a word it is, you don't deserve to have it in your vocabulary. Don't ever use that against someone just because you don't like them. It's not funny. It's not insulting. That's over the line, and I can see why Cairenn finally snapped when you called her that.

For my part, thank you Dolby. Thank you Cairenn. Thank you Seerah, and Shirik, and Cladhaire, and Belladonna, and Iriel, and our new mod Tristanian. Thank you Kudane, who isn't here anymore. All of you have gone that extra mile for your community, and have agonized over its every bump and falter, and have put up with all of this and tried to be reasonable because you wanted to try and be the better people. You've done everything you can, and beyond this point, anyone who would be offended or banned wouldn't have been a real member of the community anyway. Please keep up the good work.
Sapientia Admiratione Incipit - Socrates
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