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06-06-09, 10:00 AM   #1584
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 52
Originally Posted by Tuhljin View Post
Not only that, but he came in here at first from the WM-user point-of-view, and silentdabeast has certainly been very much on WM's side and only recently has shown signs of opening up to the other side (I'd say the more logical, truthful, and fact-supported side).
Honestly I still don't know the real truth behind all this. I just don't like when ANY company takes $450 bucks worth of resources from another, smaller company, and doesn't turn around and fix it. WM DID do that, for that I think they are creepy. WM, Curse and WowI are all "big" companies (in the sense that they have LOTS of supporters and LOTS of money flows in and out of them). So for one big company to slam another big company...that doesn't mean nearly as much to me as when a big company sucks the life out of a smaller company to the point that they can't even operate or compete. That's not right, and that's NOT the American way.

Curse, WM and WowI can compete all they want, and they can argue and fight over bandwidth, rights, etc. all they want, but NONE of them have better take from one of the little guys and expect to stay on my good side. Unfortunately, WM is NOT an American company - so they don't have the same sense of honor, respect, and fairness as I do, or as perhaps WoWi does. I don't much care for Curse so...I hope they rot anyway.
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