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07-07-09, 06:57 AM   #1
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1
Nui Action Bars and movement of them

I currently use your Nui mod and love it though I do have a few suggestions and such.

1. Make so that when you decide to use /nui movers that the bars and the chat frame stay where you put them instead of reseting themselves every time you log out or switch characters. I like my extra actions bars on the left and the xp on the right I would like to have them be at the top instead of their current postion at the bottom I move the left one and move the chat frame down and when I log or switch toons i have to re move the chat frame everytime and I even hit lock in position. Also the ability to move the Info Panel down on the right side would be nice so I can put my XP and rep bars up above it. Currently the bar is moveable but not the info Panel.
2. Add a way or maybe another little bar to go back in the raid frames. Sometimes Ill be questing and look down at my Ui and say I need to be in party or solo and Im currently on raid 10 and now I have to click through alll of the raid 15,20,25,40 to get to my desired frame set-up and if I get overly clicky then i have to go through them twice where as a back button or way to go backwards on the button would be nice.

Overall I am very satisfied with the interface. Just a few minor things I guess that are maybe just quirks. Thanks for the great UI.