Thread: Supporters?
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07-21-09, 02:52 PM   #27
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Silenia View Post
I mean no disrespect, but you have a funny way of showing your "commitment".
I'm not easily offended. Hopefully you won't be dissed by my ramblings below...

If someone commits to cutting your grass once a month, are you going to complain that they should be cutting it everyday? You act like we said we will put out a new version once a week or month, when we have never said any such thing. Most commitments have boundaries, they are not some nebulous generic thing.

My commitment to the company (not really you) was to keep Carb working for 1 year, when I was reduced to part time status. I am doing that. It currently works fine. When patch 3.2 comes out it will break, so I am working on having it fixed before the patch is released. I am testing on the PTR, since I could not know about 3.2 problems or test the 3.2 fixes that I previously posted about, without being on the PTR.

Donations are voluntary and should be based on previous work. If Joe spent 1000 hours working on ZMod and I use it and feel compelled to donate, then I should be donating based on his time spent. I think many people are donating toward the future, thinking they are getting all the past work and compelling the author to keep working on it, thus also getting the future work, when that author may actually decide to do something else and is under no obligation to do additional work to his addon.

I think the voting system is flawed, by the fact that you are giving us your opinion on the future, but yet donating on what should be past performance. They are really two different things combined, which is confusing. Selling something was much simpler. You give me $x. I give you y. A subscription was just a time based version of that, also adding the "and you get any updates to y during that time".

Blizzard has forced us to this vague donation system. A definition from says:
"the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution"
A gift? Most appropriate definition seems to be:
"something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation"
Yet there was compensation, since you are using our addon. Thanks Blizzard for reducing us to this screwed up system.

My part time pay and cut of donations does not pay the bills. It is not bad, but it did require me to make a new company, which made an additional commitment to another company, which allows me be meet the commitment to my wife and kids to pay the bills, both now and into the future. God willing of course. The future is not really in any of our feeble hands.

Such fun. It does give you guys something to talk about, since the forums have been rather boring of late.

In summary; We are very happy to have people donating. They have donated more than we expected. We planned to just put Carbonite on life support for a year and see what happens. Since the donations were good, we decided to do more to the addon than planned. We hope this "we release a version then people donate" cycle will continue. If we don't put out new versions, then please do not feel obligated to donate, just use what you have and be happy you have it.
