Thread: GroupHeal
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01-17-06, 11:20 AM   #49
Featured Artist
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 395
Originally Posted by goranden
I did not get into a group tonight but I did stand in front of a raptor for a while and
watched my heal and flash heal spells scale with damage. The odd thing was that
my renew spell did not scale but showed top rank(5) without change.
I will try it again in a group in a day or two. I will post if I find anything else that
might be useful.
Healing spells like Renew which have a Heal over time feature are not scaled by GroupHeal, and instead it simply selects the highest rank that can be cast on each target.

As for the crash problem with RaidHeal, I am quite baffled at the moment as to what could be causing the crash. RaidHeal is a LoadOnDemand AddOn and so it sounds like something it is doing while it is being loaded is causing you to crash. One other thing could could try is moving the WTF folder onto your desktop (don't copy it) and deleting your WDB folder. The WTF folder contains all of your settings and Saved Variables so moving it out will cause WoW to reset back to defaults, and you will need to disable all of your AddOns again to test with only GroupHeal/RaidHeal. If this solves the problem then you can either leave the old WTF folder out, or you can go through it looking for every file in ever subfolder that has RaidHeal in its name and delete them all. Doing that should allow you to copy your old WTF folder back in, thus restoring your settings, without bringing the crash back.

Alternatively, if you are computer savy, you can just start by finding all of the RaidHeal files and deleting them instead of moving the entire WTF folder. I may be grasping at straws, but I am all out of other ideas at the moment.
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