Thread: a little help
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08-12-09, 03:08 PM   #5
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 12
Originally Posted by Xrystal View Post
You install the addon like any other. Then once you load up wow it should appear in the list of addons. If it doesn't you have either placed the wrong folder into the Interface/AddOns folder or in the wrong folder altogether.

An example:

I use nUI_Shaman Art addon. So my addon path would be as follows:


With a file in that folder called nUI_Shaman.toc. If you do not see something similar for the hunter addon then something went wrong with the install.
something is wrong with the nui hunter file. i load up shaman no problem and other skins. but hunter isnt showing up in the addons list at all.

all i want to know is wheres the file in nui to get rid of the top nui bar so i can just use titan. would be great.

only reason i want to get rid of the nui top part so it frees up real estate on my monitor.
