Thread: a little help
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08-14-09, 07:54 AM   #12
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 12
Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
davdman --

If you have the latest version of nUI and Titan panel installed, nUI should automatically move the upper console and/or lower dashboard to accommodate the Titan bars... even if you add or remove a bar in-game. If it's not doing that, then something's borked.

As for losing the upper console... you have two choices... (a) install one of the skins that does not have an upper console (I don't know why you're having problems with that one skin either) or (b) use the '/nui console mouseover' command to make the console hide itself unless you mouse over it.

A third option is to just set Titan's bar to be transparent in which case all of the buttons on Titan's bar merge into the artwork for nUI and it looks like it belongs there by default.

EDIT: btw... if you manually relocated the micro menu using the '/nui movers' command, that might account for why things are adjusting automatically for your Titan bars. Try using '/nui movers' to enable them, then right-click the micro menu to reset it to the default location, then '/nui movers' again to lock everything back down and '/nui rl' to reload the UI.

i have everything the way i would like now
and the author of the hunter ui i was looking to get, hooked me up with a mod to disable nui's top bars. which works out great. ty much

but i also have a question about fps-

my computer is 5 years old and im running with the equivalent of a pentium 3 processor, its some amd i cant remember right now. stats are 256 mb vid card (agp) and the processor speed is 2.2g and i have 2 gigs of ram.

i was reading in a thread about fps and using /nui framerate 20 and i get way better frame rates. before nui, i was getting about 20 or so in dala lag and 30 fps in old cities like org, uc etc, which to me is very playable.

Now i did a little experimenting, i noticed the farther i drop nui framerate down the better fps i get. i even dropped it to 0

and to my question and i really didnt notice a difference, other than losing the warm up bars what does the /nui framerate really do?

and is there a way to boost up my performance video wise? and i can post a dxdiag if necessary.

and also wanted to say this is my ui from now on, scott has been very good about support and the customization to this mod is just off the chart, and most of all everyone is friendly. kudos to a great "mod"