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08-25-09, 02:01 PM   #1
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 4
Keybind interface no longer working? Also, help with Focus modifier key?

I set most of my keybinds a while back when initally configuring nUI. Once it was set up, I slowly added additional addons to get to my preferred interface.

Now I would like to change a few keybinds, but I am unable to open the configuration window. I hold Left Ctrl, Left Alt, and Right-Click, but the window does not open. Any ideas?

Also, I am VERY excited that you inherited the new (well, relatively new) default Blizzard Focus modifier. As an example, I have my "1" key set to Gouge, then when I hold my focus modifier (Alt) and hit "1", it will Gouge my focus instead of my target (this was tested by Focusing my duel opponent, clearing my target, then Focus-Casting to hit the now un-targeted duel opponent). But, I've found this will not work with every spell: Dismantle, for example. Can anyone help?
