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09-28-09, 10:55 AM   #23
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 19
Originally Posted by downset View Post
again the trust everything or you are paranoid mantra

also i challenge you to even name 3 applications that pop up this warning

this is a problem for both usability (it confuses the user and asks him to trust some random app over a security warning) and security (you actually advise this behavior making any security warning useless as you train users to just click allow)
Well, I dont see how you have the right to complain about what replies you get, the choice to post about it on the forum was yours.
That you worry is reasonable, of course, but like someone else already said, if the app was filled with virus or doing something shady to your computer, other users would have noticed.
And about the "Use it or dont use it" mantra is true. People have tried to explain why it needs permission the best they know, but if you dont find those reasons good enough, then it is in the end up to you weither you want to use it or not. Most likely, they wont change the application just because you dont happen to like the installer, so in the end, nothing will change.
Use it or dont, I doubt it's a life-changing decision to make.

They can't correct something that isnt there. Yes, it asks for access, and people have already tried to tell you why, but it doesnt actually DO anything wrong. No one has noticed it doing ANYTHING it shouldn't do, thus there is nothing to correct. It's you vs. an entire community, and no one else seems bothered.

Last edited by Vraan : 09-28-09 at 11:00 AM.
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