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08-26-10, 03:48 PM   #9
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 1,827
The only file that holds every setting for Carbonite is located here:


That file contains 99.9% of everything, for every toon, on every server of a single account. That is the account wide SavedVariables folder and is what allows Carb to share profiles between different characters on different realms.

The other file located in:


Only contains information relating to that specific character's flight paths. Just so you can see it, here's the text from one of my Character Specific files. Keep in mind this toon has only been to a single flight master in Northrend since I've reinstalled my UI. When I do finally visit another Flight Master in another continent, that data will be in this Character Specific file as well, and only that data.

NxCData = {
	["Version"] = 0.1,
	["Taxi"] = {
		["Ulduar"] = true,
		["Ebon Watch"] = true,
		["Stars' Rest"] = true,
		["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = true,
		["Unu'pe"] = true,
		["Valgarde Port"] = true,
		["Frosthold"] = true,
		["Westguard Keep"] = true,
		["Amber Ledge"] = true,
		["Kamagua"] = true,
		["Amberpine Lodge"] = true,
		["Fort Wildervar"] = true,
		["Valiance Landing Camp"] = true,
		["Fordragon Hold"] = true,
		["Wintergarde Keep"] = true,
		["Windrunner's Overlook"] = true,
		["Light's Breach"] = true,
		["The Argent Vanguard"] = true,
		["Gundrak"] = true,
		["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = true,
		["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = true,
		["Dalaran"] = true,
		["Westfall Brigade"] = true,
		["The Shadow Vault"] = true,
		["Moa'ki"] = true,
		["Valiance Keep"] = true,
		["K3"] = true,
		["The Argent Stand"] = true,
		["River's Heart"] = true,
		["Wyrmrest Temple"] = true,
		["Dun Nifflelem"] = true,
		["Transitus Shield"] = true,
		["Zim'Torga"] = true,
		["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = true,
		["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = true,

Like I mentioned in my prior post though, once you fubar the settings for Carb to the point where everything is wrong no matter what you do, the only real option is start from scratch. That means having to go through and re setup everything. It's a pain, but it's the easiest way