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12-29-10, 05:17 PM   #6
Anjalena's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 51
Wewt!!!!! Congratulations, by the way, on your new "promotion". I'm so happy that you'll be able to stay at home and do what you love doing. I hope sincerely that this will be the start of a new home business for you and that you'll make money hand-over-fist... *waves one open hand over the top of her balled fist while looking slightly confused* ...which I guess is a good thing. (Quotes quotes quotes... that one be from Buffy.)

I do think, though, (and this is purely opinion) that you'll need to try to hook some programming assignments/contracts outside of WoW stuff cuz it's hard to rely solely on user donations. Not that we don't all want to help you... but life gets hard, as in my case, and sometimes we can't help. Just today I had to have the cashier put $16 worth of food back cuz I didn't have enough. And that's just incredibly embarrassing for me and frustrating for the folks behind me. And I won't have any more money for food until the 14th of next month.

Anyway, I didn't mean to babble on... or throw up a sob story. And I promise that when I'm able again, I will throw a few dollars your way each month as I used to. I just worry about you a little. I don't want you to get to the point where you have to choose between eating and doing what you love to do. It's not a good position to be in.


I’m sure I’m in serious need of some moral spankitude, but guess who’s not qualified to be my rabbi?”