Thread: Tooltip Fading?
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02-23-11, 05:46 PM   #19
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by Kolakhan View Post
Rather than making it easy for users to converse with him directly on Curse the author of Prospect makes you use Curse Forge which is a pain in the butt. He makes changes and if you want to know why a new version is there you have to go to Curse Forge and drill down through the tickets and try and figure out what the heck was the issue and what was fixed. All in all a very inconvenient method to work with your users. Once I started using Molinari I didn't bother to go and report this issue because of this fact. I and other users have requested he use the normal Curse system for communication and he won't. So I choose not to use his addon. Works both ways.
Cry me a fricken river.