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03-19-11, 09:47 PM   #372
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Posts: 246
Originally Posted by Oraknathal View Post
I like this ui its nice and tidy but its not your best work:S
I do have a question though.
Do you know if it is possible to set up sldt like your lynstats?
with those slashes in between different information.
what im referring to is the following format.

Well, I would have to look through the code of SLDT, as I don't personally use it. However, this might help:
-- xp stuff
	xp_cur = UnitXP("player")
	xp_max = UnitXPMax("player")
	xp_rest = GetXPExhaustion("player") or nil
	if UnitLevel("player") < MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL then
		ep = "|c00ffffff"..floor(xp_max - xp_cur).."|r / |c00ffffff"..floor((xp_cur/xp_max)*100).."%|r / "
		if xp_rest ~= nil then	
			ep = ep.."|c00c0ff3e"..floor((xp_rest/xp_max)*100).."%|r / "
The "%|r / " is where I added the slashes, as opposed to the clock, which looks like:
if time24 == true then
		ticktack = date("%H:%M")
		ticktack = date("%I:%M")
		ticktack = "|c00ffffff"..ticktack.." |r"
Note that this is just a small snippet of the code to give you an idea, not anything copyable or something. Hope that helps!