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12-17-11, 08:16 AM   #28
A Molten Giant
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 960
I have one toon at 85, so I'm working on leveling the other eight (on Perenolde horde side). I've just discovered the joys of doing that via random dungeon PUGs. So far, I've found that toons in their 30s gain four or five levels after a week's worth of these (you can do seven randoms on each toon each week, after that you don't get all the bonuses).

Heh. The other day, we had a hunter who rolled "need" on everything. Somebody called him on it, he said "I was told I'm supposed to do that". We told him he'd been told wrong. When he continued to do it, we vote kicked him. Well, the others did, I never cast a vote. Anyway, PUGs have their problems, but having run a bunch lately I gotta say they're not as bad as I thought they were going to be. So far, anyway.