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09-11-12, 11:18 PM   #11
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 134
Originally Posted by jovenyoung View Post
Perhaps we as a community could buy out the addon with sufficient donations. Give us a dollar value and let the community donate the funds to buy out the rights to the code so it can be made open source...
Now, if Carbonite did something like this - then yes... I could see them to be "greedy" -- granted, this addon was created as a profiteering adventure, Blizzard is the one who trumped that card. They had one person who actually financed the project - that person probably has a lot of say as to whether or not others can take over the addon. Right now, I see Carbonite as wanting to keep the addon they authored as their own. People have always been free to create their own and send it out for the masses - maybe one day someone (Rythal?) will do such.