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09-12-12, 10:08 PM   #25
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 134
Originally Posted by juztcallmepapi View Post
I wonder, do you return your donations? Or do you rightfully believe that your current product is worthy enough for such a grateful contribution?
No matter what he thinks, I have and always will think Carbonite has been worth its weight in gold. My contributions (donations) do not justify the true gain I've received from this addon for all the times I've used it.

As to the mechanic analogy, he was referring to the fact that the mechanic could come over and take care of his car - just for the hell of it (and/or his own personal enjoyment). That's the stance he is taking with this addon. If someone wants to throw some money at him, he won't refuse it - but he isn't doing it for the money - he has a steady and well paying job (I hope) for money that takes the majority of his time that isn't devoted to family and friends.